1) Remove previously added "time" dimension in "reference_time" variable as it was a violation of CF convention on "coordinate variable"";
see: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/workshops/2011/datamodels/NcCVars.html
But this change causes missing "reference_time" value in merged netcdfs as it only stores the value from the first file;
2) Fix bug in "time_bounds" variable;
3) Add "pyspatialite" as a optional dependency in spatial query. Will try loading pysqlite2 by default, if failed, try loading pyspatialite lib.
Note: Installation of pyspatialite needs several manual steps on linux, but it is so far a good way for CentOS. On Ubuntu and Windows, user should install pysqlite2 + mod_spatialite binary;