- Provides for service method parameters to be `None`. - Add proper handling of method params that are lists of property objects.
- Fixes problem where nodes marked as a collection (`maxOccurs` \> 1) not creating property objects with `value=[]` when mapped-in with \< 2 values by the `DocumentReader`. Caused by missing the `` bindings.Document.ReplyHint.stripns()` (which uses ``DocumentReader.stripns()`) conversion to`DocumentReader.stripn()`now returning a tuple`(ns, tag)\`\` as of 0.1.2.
- This release contains an update to property adds: - `Metadata` support. - Overrides: `__getitem__`, `__setitem__`, `__contains__`. - Changes property(reader\|writer) to use the `property.metadata` to handle namespaces for XML documents. - Fixes `setup.py` requires.
- This release marks the first release in fedora hosted.