
Latest version: v2.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 688600 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

Page 25 of 25



* Bump version to 0.1.0 ([`82e7f55`](

* Complete basic features ([`96fed3a`](

* Add GET only filters ([`3c1cbf2`](

* Code refactoring ([`4379b7f`](

* Build a basic structure of the project ([`57e90da`](

* Rename project to avoid collision ([`a5ff81b`](

* Update and things ([`c77c5ea`](

* Poetry init ([`ec3df47`](

* Initial commit ([`d18b594`](


[2.10.0]( (2024-11-04)


* **auth:** bump gotrue from 2.9.3 to 2.10.0 ([984]( ([34f86e6](
* **functions:** bump supafunc from 0.6.2 to 0.7.0 ([982]( ([bd630d5](
* **postgrest:** bump postgrest from 0.17.2 to 0.18.0 ([981]( ([9b5cc07](
* **storage:** bump storage3 from 0.8.2 to 0.9.0 ([979]( ([38d40e5](

[2.9.1]( (2024-10-18)

Bug Fixes

* **auth:** bump gotrue from 2.9.1 to 2.9.2 ([957]( ([e9feb48](
* **auth:** raise the minimum version of gotrue to 2.9.0 ([963]( ([fce8839](
* **deps:** bump gotrue from 2.9.2 to 2.9.3 ([969]( ([5bb8e36](
* **deps:** bump postgrest from 0.17.1 to 0.17.2 ([972]( ([fcea7f4](
* **deps:** bump realtime from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6 ([968]( ([aba0ced](
* **deps:** bump storage3 from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 ([970]( ([05abdaa](
* **deps:** bump supafunc from 0.6.1 to 0.6.2 ([971]( ([de1d105](
* remove typing-extensions ([965]( ([c2eed40](
* schema access optimization ([966]( ([8f1300e](
* Types to use Option[T] ([960]( ([c36d80f](

[2.9.0]( (2024-10-04)


* Proxy support ([950]( ([2a89a7c](

Bug Fixes

* **functions:** bump supafunc from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 ([954]( ([1834069](
* **postgrest:** bump postgrest from 0.17.0 to 0.17.1 ([952]( ([ec19cd4](
* **storage:** bump storage3 from 0.8.0 to 0.8.1 ([953]( ([b739b97](

[2.8.1]( (2024-09-30)

Bug Fixes

* **auth:** bump gotrue from 2.9.0 to 2.9.1 ([948]( ([90db548](
* **deps:** change version constraints on managed dependencies ([945]( ([d4f9307](
* storage type for async client options ([944]( ([28a9c9f](

[2.8.0]( (2024-09-29)


* **auth:** bump gotrue from 2.7.0 to 2.8.0 ([916]( ([ae97452](
* **auth:** bump gotrue from 2.8.1 to 2.9.0 ([940]( ([9c6c433](
* **deps:** bump postgrest from 0.16.11 to 0.17.0 ([939]( ([17bcf6d](
* **functions:** bump supafunc from 0.5.1 to 0.6.0 ([942]( ([c1513a9](
* set default flow_type to pkce ([931]( ([acbaae5](
* **storage:** bump storage3 from 0.7.7 to 0.8.0 ([941]( ([4060f47](

Bug Fixes

* async client options default values ([937]( ([1e02178](
* async set_auth for realtime in auth event listener ([930]( ([5e34512](
* **deps:** bump gotrue from 2.8.0 to 2.8.1 ([923]( ([eb7b466](
* **deps:** bump realtime from 2.0.2 to 2.0.5 ([936]( ([e1e0fb2](
* **realtime:** enable auto_reconnect option from supabase client ([938]( ([3eb18e3](
* update exports from init file ([928]( ([7a6199e](

[2.7.4]( (2024-08-29)

Bug Fixes

* add `verify` argument to `_init_supabase_auth_client()` ([913]( ([cb6743b](

[2.7.3]( (2024-08-22)

Bug Fixes

* bump postgrest from 0.16.10 to 0.16.11 ([910]( ([495ae1d](
* bump realtime from 2.0.1 to 2.0.2 ([906]( ([d81e2dc](

[2.7.2]( (2024-08-19)

Bug Fixes

* **realtime:** update realtime for fixing NotConnectedError ([902]( ([67dbaf2](

[2.7.1]( (2024-08-16)

Bug Fixes

* remove old SupabaseRealtimeClient import ([896]( ([579f499](

[2.7.0]( (2024-08-16)


* **realtime:** add realtime V2 ([886]( ([08496eb](



* chore: update dependencies ([`b917727`](

* chore: update version ([`5453baa`](

* chore: rename realtime_py to realtime ([`5334bd9`](

* chore: update versions ([`a810aa3`](

* chore: use annotations future import ([`68ee73b`](

* chore: fix return annotations ([`03667af`](

* chore: remove unused imports, bugfix ([`592a563`](

* chore: update websockets to 9.1 ([`86f05d3`](

* chore: add .md files for hacktoberfest ([`c7e31a1`](

* chore: add transformers as an import in __init__ ([`eb04ae9`](

* chore: update README

Add details to help a user connect to the Supabase realtime endpoint using the library. ([`460e0c9`](

* chore: refactor code ([`d1b8621`](


* feat: added logging ([`c614de3`](


* fix: incorrect typehints ([`e999d48`](


* refactor: Extract transfomer to separate PR ([`e5f3457`](


* Merge pull request 24 from supabase-community/sourcery/pull-23

Bug fixes and parsing timestamptz (Sourcery refactored) ([`6945872`](

* Merge pull request 27 from supabase-community/jl--update-realtime-version

Update Realtime Version ([`ac90f6c`](

* &39;Refactored by Sourcery&39; ([`05920c6`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;orig/master&39; ([`7299676`](

* Removing redundant comment ([`5c2b318`](

* quick fixes ([`e577e73`](

* Merge pull request 1 from RizkyRajitha/ci-test

Ci test ([`428e2bd`](

* upgrade websockets to v 10.1 ([`d5b9dc7`](

* rename pythonV to python-version ([`9afe2f4`](

* added matrix strategy for python 3.x ([`e0ea64e`](

* Merge pull request 20 from supabase-community/j0_release_new_ver

Release Version 1.3 ([`5e5b539`](

* Merge pull request 19 from anand2312/update-websockets

Update websockets ([`7f44217`](

* add poetry run pytest with poetry ([`e66e554`](

* remove matrix test , run pytest with poetry ([`6a41ef5`](

* added gh actions for ci ([`0a60297`](

* Merge pull request 17 from supabase-community/j0_hacktoberfest files for hacktoberfest ([`70acd89`](

* Update ([`83cfac7`](

* Merge pull request 13 from supabase/j0_add_transformer

Extract Transformer ([`ae7345c`](

* Update dependencies ([`dd44f66`](

* bump version ([`7c5ad32`](

* Merge pull request 10 from supabase/j0_add_transformers

Add transformers ([`43d0c1c`](

* Resolve merge conflicts ([`093b224`](

* Update requirements.txt ([`5472ac2`](

* Implement convert_column ([`f3c5a13`](

* Add timestamp conversion ([`3a046b9`](

* Add initial transformers lib ([`e88ff3e`](

* Merge pull request 8 from supabase/j0_use_poetry

Change package management tool ([`5911b2c`](

* Merge pull request 9 from supabase/j0_allow_chaining

allow chaining with channel/on ([`450da56`](

* allow chaining with channel/on ([`242675b`](

* Refactor to use poetry ([`0fd7719`](

* Merge pull request 7 from prettyirrelevant/master

refactored code and added logging ([`26e3146`](

* Merge pull request 6 from lionellloh/fix/dependencies

Fix/dependencies ([`a0579c4`](

* include dataclasses in requirements.txt ([`06390ed`](

* readme update ([`6add91f`](

* Merge pull request 4 from lionellloh/pypi

Refactorings for better distribution ([`b0edab0`](

* ignore .DS_store ([`9623444`](

* Update Readme and version ([`850c912`](

* Merge pull request 3 from lionellloh/pypi

pip pkg related refactor ([`8fef058`](

* pip pkg related refactor ([`adef018`](

* Merge pull request 2 from lionellloh/pypi

restructure for PYPI ([`3904e93`](

* restructure for PYPI ([`4949494`](

* fix decorator to return func ([`ccbd91c`](

* fix minor typo ([`9bf2698`](

* Docs ([`4678642`](

* `exceptions` -> `Exceptions` ([`ebac053`](

* Decorator to check + Exception if check fails ([`5d8e49b`](

* Added docstrings ([`5d8f9f5`](

* Type hints and named tuples ([`01058df`](

* Clean up ([`2c2a6df`](

* Removed constants, include type hints ([`b311691`](

* Merge remote-tracking branch &39;origin/master&39; ([`4987917`](

* ignore .idea/* ([`6dde5c5`](

* Use dataclass for Message ([`b206a61`](

* Update usage to be clearer that that it is the payload that is passed ([`45658eb`](

* Create ([`53216bd`](

* requirements ([`78dc02c`](

* Merge pull request 1 from lionellloh/dev

Merge POC work in to master ([`5a1d4db`](

* gitignore ([`828fe8f`](

* POC works ([`80d5c42`](

* Initial commit ([`73025b3`](


Not secure

* chore: move pytest to dev-dependencies ([`78d6b81`](

* chore: supabase_py -> supabase ([`fa1e793`](

* chore: Create for hacktoberfest ([`9a34f2a`](

* chore: format __init__ using autoflake ([`b518ad3`](

* chore: apply formatters to unformatted files ([`4776baa`](

* chore: update pre-commit hook ([`45c2866`](

* chore: format docs file with black ([`95808c5`](


* docs: substitute CLRF ([`c8289d4`](

* docs: resolve second merge conflict ([`1e2ea57`](

* docs: fix merge conflict ([`07f6e21`](


* feat: add upload ([`3070b5b`](

* feat: add download function ([`e85d675`](

* feat: Add more functions to storage file api ([`41682ad`](

* feat: add create_signed_url ([`24cc3fd`](

* feat: add docs for query_builder and storage_bucket ([`b74e439`](


* fix: missing json bodies in patch and put requests ([`b022994`](

* fix: get create_signed_url working ([`27e90f6`](

* fix: resolve merge conflicts ([`047e680`](

* fix: resolve merge conflicts ([`39815fe`](


* refactor: update test client to use fixture ([`17c1d6a`](

* refactor: update test client ([`c8c3176`](


* Merge pull request 60 from anand2312/develop

chore: move pytest to dev-dependencies ([`6b76a9a`](

* Merge pull request 59 from ianrtracey/develop

updates readme to install the latest package ([`c099a7a`](

* updates readme to install the correct package ([`33d1aae`](

* Merge pull request 55 from supabase-community/j0_rename_supabase_py

Rename Supabase_py to Supabase ([`74e3cf1`](

* Update ([`99139a9`](

* Create ([`b20703d`](

* Merge pull request 52 from supabase-community/j0_hacktoberfest

chore: Create for hacktoberfest ([`9e609bd`](

* Merge pull request 43 from lqmanh/features/add-default-headers

Add some default headers to wrapped client libs ([`57511be`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into features/add-default-headers ([`4f64827`](

* Merge pull request 47 from yishernc/develop

bump postgrest-py to latest version (0.5.0) ([`ec494dc`](

* bump postgrest-py to latest version (0.5.0) ([`9df7c32`](

* Use postgrest-py v0.5.0 ([`5f3d2ff`](

* Fix missing black as a dev dependency ([`f2e9ce0`](

* Fix unexpected keyword arguments ([`70e9496`](

* Fix circular imports ([`027bfb5`](

* Update ([`04bf6ef`](

* Temporarily use postgrest-py git ([`528abb3`](

* Merge pull request 41 from supabase/da/fix-missing-obj-bodies

fix: missing json bodies in patch and put requests ([`9b68a97`](

* Merge pull request 31 from supabase/j0_add_storage_file_api

Add Storage File API ([`bb98157`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into j0_add_storage_file_api ([`78fbe77`](

* Merge pull request 35 from supabase/j0_add_docs

Add Initial Sphinx Documentation ([`08d5fe4`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into j0_add_docs ([`4f9b847`](

* Merge pull request 29 from supabase/j0_test_precommit

Format unformatted files ([`5f7b3bb`](

* Merge pull request 28 from olirice/precommit_hooks

Add pre-commit hooks enforcing a standard style ([`434d6ba`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into precommit_hooks ([`6f0e6d6`](

* Merge pull request 27 from supabase/j0_add_storage_bucket

Add Storage Bucket API ([`256f65d`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; into j0_add_storage_bucket ([`e306249`](

* Remove unused comments ([`dd2ebe8`](

* Add storage bucket ([`2ff2c61`](

* feature:add storage bucket client ([`ad53879`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; of into develop ([`9463c98`](

* Merge branch &39;develop&39; of into develop ([`8dc7fe8`](

* fix logic errors ([`f468624`](

* add badges for test CI and pypi version ([`9897a29`](

* apply pre-commit hooks & add __all__ in to prevent autoflake from removing imports ([`77a2234`](

* enable pre-commit hooks for isort, autoflake, and black base 3.7 ([`f980db1`](

* Merge pull request 25 from olirice/client_in_fixture

Reduce test code duplication via supabase Client in pytest fixture ([`873b85b`](

* remove unused import ([`6bc5945`](

* session scope for pytest client fixture ([`0cf02da`](

* reduce test duplication via supabase client in pytest fixture ([`e1c3b90`](

* add python version info for pip ([`268bfe5`](

* Merge pull request 18 from supabase/j0_add_test_script

Add test script ([`bf3b49a`](

* change test script to use poetry ([`e3fb34a`](

* Update CI to use test script ([`06a2a33`](

* Add test script, update README ([`8e50e61`](

* Merge pull request 19 from taloglu/patch-1

Update ([`985eaeb`](

* Update

Insertion of data code was not correct due to a copy paste error. ([`723c96a`](

* Trigger pre-commit ([`0c8c703`](

* Merge pull request 17 from supabase/develop

Update ([`ffde413`](



* Update ([`d54e5dd`](

* Merge pull request 16 from supabase/develop

Hotfix for version/author ([`075910f`](

* Merge pull request 15 from supabase/feature/update-version-and-author

update version and add author ([`2bde44d`](

* update version and add author ([`65d9a85`](

* Merge pull request 14 from supabase/develop

Stable release ([`051fa9b`](

* Merge pull request 13 from supabase/j0_readme_updates

Minor Updates to README ([`dabee85`](

* update readme ([`0e77c95`](

* Minor Updates to README ([`b11118e`](

* Merge pull request 7 from supabase/feature/update-to-latest-gotrue-py

Update to latest gotrue-py, monkey patch for sync behaviour, add working tests ([`fd842a1`](

* adding env vars ([`1b0ebda`](

* add requests ([`c52e015`](

* dont commit lockfile ([`f15b8d8`](

* try older ver ([`2d40cf3`](

* add new insert test ([`186bce6`](

* support insertion ([`2241ee7`](

* add hotfix for real-time client ([`4617e4c`](

* remove asyncio-pytest module, and add working test ([`7ca1582`](

* monkey patch the execute method to make it sync ([`30042a9`](

* trying to get postgrest working ([`5e65ebf`](

* ensure the query builder enables chaining properly ([`d20cb3c`](

* comment out test that cannot work yet and add TODO to return to this ([`4be2cd8`](

* clean up docstring ([`ad8563f`](

* bump version ([`aa76f04`](

* get first test to pass ([`0a68449`](

* update kwargs ([`1cfc1e2`](

* removing uncesscessary wrapping code ([`014882d`](

* Remove erroneous === ([`23b944b`](

* Merge pull request 6 from supabase/j0_fix_realtime

Add transformers ([`08f395d`](

* Add transformers ([`ee3b532`](

* Merge pull request 5 from J0/master

Miscellaneous updates from downstream ([`19f6e8e`](

* Merge branch &39;master&39; into master ([`1ac7232`](

* Wrap postgrest-py (4) ([`3c560de`](

* Merge pull request 1 from fedden/master

Upstream merge of the fork^2 of supabase-py ([`0dc431d`](

* spelling ([`ccb88f8`](

* more doc ([`255bb71`](

* improve documentation ([`b641029`](

* return dicts ([`4c13a4f`](

* improve documetnation and add test (doesnt pass yet) ([`97100ad`](

* add new tests ([`0b7a164`](

* ignore vim stuff ([`1df7fc9`](

* remove whitespace ([`0739a2f`](

* tests pass ([`d524e0c`](

* stepping through code, slightly changing codebase to reflect python idioms, adding realtime-py as a depedancy ([`20d2404`](

* add setuptools ([`290bebb`](

* change import ([`db71ab4`](

* rm unused library ([`c1bc0b1`](

* add shim ([`6c9e99c`](

* improve readme ([`9248cf2`](

* cleaning up a little and making more pythonic ([`97f9162`](

* add to enable &34;pip install -e . &34; installs ([`7edf954`](

* add version to package ([`30b486a`](

* ignore vim tags ([`b1417b7`](

* Document client and query builder ([`e06b143`](

* Enable and manually test auth ([`85c4b52`](

* Update ([`0884897`](

* Add realtime methods ([`2a9c171`](

* Rename files to align with python convention ([`afa8189`](

* Add _from functions, refactor ([`20106ce`](

* Refactor and format with black ([`2fc2747`](

* Add auth client wrapper ([`bd5d03b`](

* Add supporting files ([`f0f6d06`](

* Update imports ([`3b0bb60`](

* Add rpc function ([`adfb623`](

* Add method stubs ([`09e731f`](

* Initial commit ([`c0aa913`](

* Update ([`050e280`](

* Setup project ([`45630e0`](

* Update ([`dc55ead`](

* Initial commit ([`56f27bc`](


[0.7.0]( (2024-10-31)


* Check if url is an HTTP URL ([156]( ([6123554](

[0.6.2]( (2024-10-15)

Bug Fixes

* bump minimal version of Python to 3.9 ([154]( ([f2dab24](
* Types to use Option[T] ([152]( ([637bf4e](

[0.6.1]( (2024-10-02)

Bug Fixes

* httpx minimum version update ([150]( ([e784961](

[0.6.0]( (2024-09-25)


* Proxy support ([148]( ([7710a3f](

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