- ``query()`` function to run SAQuL queries via SDK.
- ``search_items()`` function to search items by various filtering criteria for all supported project types. ``search_images()`` and ``search_images_all_folders()`` functions will be deprecated.
- ``get_item_metadata()`` function to get item metadata for all supported project types. ``get_image_metadata()`` will be deprecated.
- ``search_projects()`` function to add new parameter that gives an option to filter projects by project ``status``.
- ``get_annotation_per_frame()`` function to add a unique identifier for each annotation instance.
- pixel annotations to address the issue with the hex code.
- ``sa.validate_annotations()`` function to address the incorrect error message.
- ``create_project_from_metadata()`` function to address the issue with instructions.
- ``get_image_annotations()`` function. Please use ``get_annotations()``
- ``upload_images_from_public_urls()`` function.