Fixed mistake in `Category.sendMessage` not recognizing when an Embed has been sent.
Errors will now automatically send whether it's an embed or a regular message Added Error Message support to `Category` * An Exception or Traceback will send to the Testing Server / Channel if it is specified * The bot **must** be in the server and have access to the channel
Fixed Markdown Added HTML page linking (for table of contents)
Added `NSFW`, `Server Mod`, and `Bot Mod` tags to `Category` objects and to `Command` information string for the Help menu, HTML, and Markdown. Added `can_be_deactivated` tag to `Command` along with the proper getter `canBeDeactivated()`.
Added default and custom function support for a `Category` Fixed where the NSFW tag shows up in a `Command`'s HTML, Markdown, and regular help function.
Changed `Category`'s constructor. **Be sure to read the documentation for it** Added universal `run` command to `Category`. Added NSFW, Server Mod, and Bot Mod checks to the `run` command and the `Category`. Added cross-checking of the 2 ways to make the `Command` object. Added hyperlinking for the `restriction_info` parameter. Follows the same format as `info`.