- [SDESK-4767] Feature to attach files to coverages (1403)
- [SDESK-4775] Attach .xmp file to picture assignments (1405)
- [SDESK-4797] Reduce vertical padding in PopupEditor on small screens (1402)
- fix: Automatically show contact popup when search text is empty (1416)
- [SDESK-4979] Add coverage provider and assigned user names to coverages on posting the planning item (1424)
- [SDESK-5001] Coverage Icons for graphic, video_explainer and live_blog (1428)
- [SDESK-4903] (1.10) Show FulfilAssignment challenge on archive send (1425)
- [SDESK-5022] Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of the name and slugline when saving an Event or Planning item and Coverages (1432)
- [SDESK-4889] Bug while removing an agenda (1401)
- [SDESK-4929] Don't clear invalid date fields on autosave (1406)
- [SDNTB-616] FIX: Update time is not working for ingested events. (1404)
- [SDESK-4908] Paginate results in contacts selection in Event Form (1407)
- [SDNTB-616] fix: update time not working for ingested events. (1409)
- [sdesk-4776] Allow a user id to be passed to complete assignment (1410)
- [SDESK-4509] Port e2e tests from Protractor to Cypress (1408)
- [SDBELGA-262] (EVENT FILES) - Save additional file information. (1412)
- fix(e2e): Failing to click on Contacts Close button (1418)
- [SDESK-4888] Wrong history entry when creating a Planning item with a coverage (1414)
- [SDESK-4890] Multiple errors when canceling a coverage (1413)
- [SDESK-4976] Assignment notifications not having XMP file attachments (1417)
- [SDESK-4796] Bug around assignment XMP mapping when XMP is attached during assignment creation (1419)
- [SDNTB-622] (INGEST) NIFS event ingest parser error (1415)
- [SDESK-4993] Planning item with an XMP file was not getting published (1422)
- [SDESK-4977] Duplicating coverage or planning item should duplicate the XMP File too (1423)
- [SDESK-4980] Create two locations with same name (1420)
- [SDESK-4888] Wrong coverage history on creation (1427)
- [SDESK-5004] Turning on the 'NOT FOR PUBLICATION' toggle enables the 'SAVE & POST' button in the Planning editor (1426)
- [SDESK-5019] FIX: Add scrolling for coverage types list in add coverage advance mode. (1430)
- [SDESK-5025] Related planning item(s) not published when event is cancelled (1431)
- [SDESK-5030] Scheduled Update not in delivery record (1433)
- fix(behave): Add privilege error message in expected response (1435)
- [SDESK-5050] SendTo challenge should only appear if an Assignment is found (1436)