
Latest version: v0.30.1

Safety actively analyzes 640549 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
- [4959]( [deps] force flask 1.0.0 (4959) (mistercrunch)
- [ad4912d]( Allowing sqlExpression to be blank (michellethomas)
- [4990]( expanding regex for automated columns (4990) (GabeLoins)
- [4977]( Merge pull request 4977 from timifasubaa/bump_pyhive_version (timifasubaa)
- [6720255]( bump pyhive version (timifasubaa)
- [4909]( [Explore] Adding Adhoc Filters (4909) (GabeLoins)
- [4927]( [sql lab] Use context manager for sqllab sessions (4927) (grafke)
- [4971]( Fix templating in sqla datasource (4971) (villebro)
- [4972]( superset/import_dashboards.html: Update title, clean up html (4972) (sodevious)
- [4943]( [bugfix] handling UTF8 in Druid dimensions (4943) (mistercrunch)
- [4740]( Add extraction function support for Druid queries (4740) (jasnovak)
- [4948]( CHANGELOG for 0.25.0 (4948) (mistercrunch)
- [4954]( add 30 minutes support under time granularity (4954) (liyuance)
- [4950]( Support hours in relative time range selection (4950) (liyuance)
- [4944]( Move from deprecated flask-cache to flask-caching (4944) (mistercrunch)
- [4946]( Fix naming for geojson (4946) (hughhhh)


Not secure
- [4942]( [docs] add entry for Hive in installation.rst (4942) (mistercrunch)
- [4928]( [sql lab] handle query stop race condition (4928) (mistercrunch)
- [4930]( Update installation.rst (4930) (vihar)
- [4833]( Merge pull request 4833 from timifasubaa/help_sqllab_forget_the_past (timifasubaa)
- [ab958c6]( make queries older than 6 hours timeout (timifasubaa)
- [4939]( Add Portugal to country_map visualization (4939) (joaomg)
- [4938]( add Airboxlab to Superset users list (4938) (antoine-galataud)
- [4940]( Add to the list of organizations (4940) (octaviancorlade)
- [4899]( rm-slices (4899) (hughhhh)
- [4887]( [druid] Updating Druid refresh metadata tests (4887) (john-bodley)
- [4900]( Hide restricted ui elements, remove <br> from error message (4900) (jasnovak)
- [4923]( Install superset in Kubernetes with helm chart (4923) (cychiang)
- [4925]( Support Apache Kylin in EngineSpec (4925) (zhaoyongjie)
- [4921]( [bufix] filtered column was removed (4921) (mistercrunch)
- [4917]( Add doc entry for BigQuery support (4917) (mistercrunch)
- [4918]( Fix typos from linting (4918) (mistercrunch)
- [4911]( Fix for week_start_sunday and week_ending_saturday (4911) (betodealmeida)
- [4908]( Replace NaN/Infinity with null (4908) (betodealmeida)
- [4913]( Fix country_map visualization URL (4913) (mistercrunch)
- [4883]( Add note about 0.25.0 upgrade in (4883) (mistercrunch)
- [4897]( Heatmap improvements (4897) (mistercrunch)
- [4906]( requirements: bump gunicorn to 19.8.0 (4906) (xrmx)
- [4907]( translations: rename pt_BR gettext files (4907) (xrmx)
- [4884]( [pylint] prepping for enabling pylint for non-errors (4884) (john-bodley)
- [4901]( Fix 'Uncaught TypeError: pe.clamp is not a function' (4901) (mistercrunch)
- [4896]( [sql lab] allow stoping 'pending' queries (4896) (mistercrunch)
- [4886]( remove hard code http scheme of short url 4656 (4886) (ripoul)
- [4891]( Allow limiting rows on Pivot Table (4891) (mistercrunch)
- [4890]( [bugfix] temporal columns with expression fail (4890) (mistercrunch)
- [4882]( Implement Snowflake engine with supported time grains (4882) (villebro)
- [4841]( Move a few JS files (4841) (mistercrunch)
- [4872]( Remove spurious "has" from README (4872) (davidthewatson)
- [4869]( remove DISTINCT ON statement (4869) (stillmatic)
- [4866]( [axis formatting] Override the valueformat to be percentage when contribution is selected (4866) (conglei)
- [4836]( Refactoring on exploreReducer.js (4836) (hughhhh)
- [4856]( Fix 'pip install .' (4856) (mistercrunch)
- [4842]( Safely passing data to d3.html (4842) (michellethomas)
- [4867]( Add Astronomer to list of organizations using Apache Superset (4867) (ryw)
- [4843]( [formats] add better defaults for time + number formatting (4843) (williaster)
- [4853]( [sql] Using read_sql_query instead of read_sql (4853) (john-bodley)
- [4854]( correct config language key to pt_BR (4854) (pld)
- [4850]( Remove obsolete (4850) (mistercrunch)
- [4844]( [docs] minor file name and format fix for the setup document (4844) (sekikn)
- [4821]( Fix time granularity-related issues (4821) (mistercrunch)
- [4829]( ensure directory exists before saving csv file (4829) (timifasubaa)
- [e47d8a5]( help sqllab forget the past (timifasubaa)
- [4651]( [explore] proper filtering of NULLs and '' (4651) (mistercrunch)
- [4835]( [setup] Dropping 3.4 and adding 3.6 (4835) (john-bodley)
- [4820]( Moving some JS folders (4820) (mistercrunch)
- [4828]( [travis] Fixing environments (4828) (john-bodley)
- [4831]( db_engine_specs: use correct sqlite week time grain (4831) (xrmx)
- [4825]( Update README with fresher screenshots (4825) (mistercrunch)
- [4736]( [Explore] Adding custom expressions to adhoc metrics (4736) (GabeLoins)
- [4817]( [docs] many improvements to the documentation / cleanup (4817) (mistercrunch)
- [4823]( docs: use proper dialect for redshift (4823) (xrmx)
- [4702]( RFC: add logger that logs into browser console (4702) (betodealmeida)
- [4798]( [DeckGL] Added fixtures and Deck test (4798) (hughhhh)
- [4800]( Improve the calendar heatmap (4800) (mistercrunch)
- [4746]( Filtering out SQLLab views out of table list view by default (4746) (mistercrunch)
- [4815]( [migrations] Fixing issue 4810 (4815) (john-bodley)
- [4807]( Make the bottom margin a bit taller (4807) (mistercrunch)
- [4801]( [bugfix] dedup groupby columns in Deck visualizations (4801) (mistercrunch)
- [4803]( [explore] set working default for MetricsControl (4803) (mistercrunch)
- [4806]( [tests] cleaning up test configuration (4806) (john-bodley)
- [4659]( Adding tests for the time table viz (4659) (michellethomas)
- [3658]( BugFix(3658) (4133) (hidetoshiito)
- [4804]( call next() the right way (4804) (timifasubaa)
- [4808]( filter recently viewed to just have explore and dashboard types (4808) (hughhhh)
- [4525]( adding option for multiple metrics, group by, opacity, legends (4525) (ArielStv)
- [4587]( [logs] Dropping dt column (4587) (john-bodley)
- [4802]( [homepage] Fix Favorites chart list (4802) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4552]( [travis/tox] Restructuring configuration (4552) (john-bodley)
- [4799]( [bugfix] when num_period_compare is not set (4799) (mistercrunch)
- [4756]( Improve xAxis ticks, thinner bottom margin (4756) (mistercrunch)
- [4792]( Add Ascendica Development in organizations list who use Superset (4792) (davidhassan)
- [4774]( [explore] forcing .1% number format when using 'Period Ratio' (4774) (mistercrunch)
- [4647]( Add play slider to screengrid (4647) (betodealmeida)
- [4781]( Rename UPDATING.MD to (4781) (john-bodley)
- [4765]( [line] fix verbose names in time shift (4765) (mistercrunch)
- [4777]( [doc] module header for controls.jsx and visTypes.jsx (4777) (mistercrunch)
- [4772]( [dashboard] open in edit mode when adding a chart (4772) (mistercrunch)
- [4768]( [Bug fix] Resolving key conflicts in Timeseries Annotation Layer when key is a string (4768) (EvelynTurner)
- [4767]( Improve controls layout for Table visualization (4767) (mistercrunch)
- [4755]( Pass granularity from backend to frontend as ISO duration (4755) (betodealmeida)
- [4773]( Fix brush with annotations (4773) (betodealmeida)
- [4778]( Add notes to contrib file about testing and code coverage (4778) (ttannis)
- [4766]( [explore] set control default for *showminmax = false (4766) (mistercrunch)
- [4673]( Add context to templates / respect slice timeout (4673) (daoready)
- [4761]( [druid] Excluding refreshing verbose name (4761) (john-bodley)
- [4754]( [deck_multi] fixing issues with deck_multi (4754) (mistercrunch)
- [4741]( Set longer CSRF token duration (one week) (4741) (mistercrunch)
- [4742]( [sql lab] preserve schema through visualize flow (4742) (mistercrunch)
- [4005]( [BUGFIX]: JavaScripts max int is 2^53 - 1, longs are bigger (4005) (fabianmenges)
- [4728]( [sql_lab]Disabled run query button if sql query editor is empty (4728) (lprashant-94)
- [4726]( [bugfix] convert metrics to numeric in dataframe (4726) (mistercrunch)
- [4648]( Pass timezone to Druid Query granularity (4648) (ktong)
- [4646]( [BugFix] Allowing limit ordering by post-aggregation metrics (4646) (jeffreythewang)
- [4603]( [flask-appbuilder] Bumping version to 1.10.0 (4603) (john-bodley)
- [4730]( Fix deep equality logic (4730) (mistercrunch)
- [4654]( Expose metrics to JS (4654) (betodealmeida)
- [4718]( including auto generated avg metrics in druid (4718) (GabeLoins)
- [4738]( easier tab closing in sqllab (4738) (GabeLoins)
- [4729]( [explore] don't prompt to 'Run Query' on viewport change (4729) (mistercrunch)
- [4720]( Add '.1%' to number format options (4720) (mistercrunch)
- [4717]( [sqllab] fix data grid's instant search function (4717) (mistercrunch)
- [4451]( [cli] Deprecating gunicorn/flower dependencies (4451) (john-bodley)
- [4689]( Remove redundant has_access definition in superset (4689) (timifasubaa)
- [4669]( [sqllab] Using app context for Celery task (4669) (john-bodley)
- [4693]( Use 3 letters month prefix in default date format (4693) (mistercrunch)
- [4719]( [sql lab] ctrl-r hotkey should run latest SQL (4719) (mistercrunch)
- [4714]( Add missing perms to sql_lab role (4714) (mistercrunch)
- [4709]( Remove trailing '/' from Mailing list link in README file (4709) (Alagappan)
- [4663]( [Explore] Streamlined metric definitions for SQLA and Druid (4663) (GabeLoins)
- [4703]( Rename no_reload (4703) (betodealmeida)
- [4700]( Fixing label issue when columnType is null (4700) (michellethomas)
- [4687]( i18n(es_es) (4687) (joebordes)
- [4565]( [security] Refactor security code into SupersetSecurityManager (4565) (timifasubaa)
- [4680]( Hotkeys in SQL Lab (4680) (mistercrunch)
- [4697]( Docs on how to package a release + CHANGELOG for 0.24.0 (4697) (mistercrunch)


Not secure
- [4655]( [druid] Updating refresh logic (4655) (john-bodley)
- [4683]( Fix bug with sorting columns in group by using time shift (4683) (michellethomas)
- [4645]( CRUD hints around SQL expressions (4645) (mistercrunch)
- [4686]( Preprocess SQL Lab query prior to checking syntax (4686) (villebro)
- [4684]( Fix up the Lyft color scheme (4684) (mistercrunch)
- [4682]( Add lyftColor to the game 💯 (4682) (hughhhh)
- [4679]( add yarn lock info to (4679) (timifasubaa)
- [4639]( forms: make csv import parse dates accepts a list of columns (4639) (xrmx)
- [4674]( add yarn.lock (4674) (timifasubaa)
- [4676]( Fix, comma makes download_url a tuple (4676) (mistercrunch)
- [4630]( [Bug fix] Fixed/Refactored annotation layer code so that non-timeseries annotations are applied based on the updated chart object after adding all data (4630) (EvelynTurner)
- [4670]( Update messages.po (4670) (aleksi75)
- [4664]( fix: epoch_s and epoch_ms to date time (4664) (deatheyes)
- [4660]( Better default for MAPBOX_API_KEY (4660) (betodealmeida)
- [4633]( Cache the query string (4633) (jeffreythewang)
- [4628]( [sql lab] search to use fist&last name instead of username (4628) (mistercrunch)
- [4608]( Set filter_select_enabled default to True for Druid (4608) (mistercrunch)
- [4555]( [examples] let's not use 'date' as a col name (4555) (mistercrunch)
- [4606]( Use 'count' as the default metric when available (4606) (mistercrunch)
- [4629]( Fix sqllab numpy array (4629) (michellethomas)
- [4601]( Only show overlay if container is set (4601) (betodealmeida)
- [4638]( [cosmetic] removing table border in ModelView list (4638) (mistercrunch)
- [4641]( part1 (4641) (hughhhh)
- [4632]( Adding to list of generated-members to fix pylint errors (4632) (michellethomas)
- [4566]( Adding column type label to dropdowns (4566) (michellethomas)
- [4627]( Merge pull request 4627 from mistercrunch/fix_run_extra (mistercrunch)
- [b906fec]( Move run_extra_queries outsize of BaseViz init (mistercrunch)
- [4593]( [sql lab] reduce the number of metadata calls when loading a table (4593) (mistercrunch)
- [4620]( Fix function name (4620) (betodealmeida)
- [4622]( Remove group by from viz (4622) (betodealmeida)
- [4617]( Allowing config flag to turn off flask-compress (4617) (mistercrunch)
- [4194]( [bug fixes] annotations x domains, zeros in text (4194) (williaster)
- [4621]( fix mapbox viz (4621) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4616]( [contributing] Removing obsolete code climate reference (4616) (john-bodley)
- [4572]( Legend for scatterplot (4572) (betodealmeida)
- [4604]( Show "Range Filter" by default (4604) (betodealmeida)
- [4609]( overriding annotation and layers control tab (4609) (GabeLoins)
- [4607]( [slice_json] pass slice id to get_form_data() (4607) (williaster)
- [4590]( Merge pull request 4590 from michellethomas/fixing_double_escape_presto (michellethomas)
- [4579]( Merge pull request 4579 from michellethomas/removing_title_label (michellethomas)
- [4573]( Merge pull request 4573 from john-bodley/john-bodley-cache-fix-datasource-uid (john-bodley)
- [4602]( Merge pull request 4602 from john-bodley/john-bodley-druid-sync-fix-filter (john-bodley)


Not secure
- [4581]( timeseries_limit should not be required for phase 2 (4581) (michellethomas)
- [8829218]( Changing the title for explore pages (michellethomas)
- [9604e1d]( [druid] Adding cluster filter for refresh
- [4597]( [BugFix] Resizing widgets problem 4596 (4597) (oxydash)
- [26257d9]( [cache] Ensuring that the datasource UID is defined
- [4514]( Added new exception class and start of better exception/error handling (4514) (hughhhh)
- [4599]( Add ignore git eaDir Synology directory (4599) (oxydash)
- [4591]( Add Aktia Bank in organizations list who use Superset (4591) (villebro)
- [4594]( docs: fixup code blocks rendering (4594) (xrmx)
- [e1af421]( Removing escape_sql so we dont double escape (michellethomas)
- [4532]( histograms: fixup left margin assigment (4532) (xrmx)
- [4504]( Return time in Druid scan (4504) (betodealmeida)
- [4584]( [sqllab] Added share button to bottom menu (4584) (hughhhh)
- [4551]( [sql lab] option to disable cross schema search (4551) (mistercrunch)
- [4585]( [sql lab] comment injection hook (4585) (mistercrunch)
- [4586]( [Translate] Added Full Russian Translation (4586) (oxydash)
- [4582]( Merge pull request 4582 from john-bodley/john-bodley-javascript-codecov (john-bodley)
- [3fbadd6]( [code-climate] Deprecating Code Climate from JavaScript tests
- [4570]( Adding option to visualize negative values in Table view (4570) (tanvach)
- [402c7dd]( Removing [dashboard] and [slice] titles to show name (michellethomas)
- [4578]( [Explore] Save custom url parameters when user save slices (4578) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4550]( Evelynturner/annotation timezone fix2 (4550) (EvelynTurner)
- [4472]( Basic Portuguese Brazilian Translation (4472) (AcNeidert)
- [4562]( [bug] Fix CSV upload feature for DB with password (4562) (ktravis)
- [4563]( [] Deprecating .landscape.yml (4563) (john-bodley)
- [4564]( [] Removing obsolete link (4564) (john-bodley)
- [4567]( Merge pull request 4567 from john-bodley/john-bodley-payload-error-status-code (john-bodley)
- [1e8cd0e]( [payload] Set status code on error rather than query status
- [4560]( [bug] fix shortener url (4560) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4505]( Expose hook to inject database connection logic on the fly (4505) (mistercrunch)
- [4543]( Setting up compression using flask-compress (4543) (mistercrunch)
- [4549]( [bugfix] Fixing regression from 4500 (4549) (john-bodley)
- [4553]( [landing] Making Dashboards the first/default tab (4553) (john-bodley)
- [4542]( Removing files from (4542) (mistercrunch)
- [4533]( Merge pull request 4533 from john-bodley/john-bodley-replace-coveralls-with-codecov (john-bodley)
- [4530]( [presto] Removing patched presto (4530) (john-bodley)
- [4536]( [dump.rdb] Removing rouge file (4536) (john-bodley)
- [4541]( Add ScopeAI (4541) (lucianoiscool)


Not secure
- [4534]( Merge pull request 4534 from john-bodley/john-bodley-setup-url (john-bodley)


Not secure
- [4500]( Merge pull request 4500 from john-bodley/john-bodley-fix-pr-4396 (john-bodley)
- [b01a9bb]( [setup] Fixing URLs
- [4538]( Pass datasource as form_data param (4538) (Pek1s)
- [4f7258a]( [coverage] Replacing coveralls with codecov
- [4513]( Superset issue 4512: fixing histogram (4513) (ArielStv)
- [4511]( Fix how the annotation layer interpretes the timestamp string without timezone info; use it as UTC (4511) (EvelynTurner)
- [4515]( [dashboard] (4515) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4482]( chart style options get their own tab (4482) (GabeLoins)
- [4487]( Make margin width based on container width instead of slice width (4487) (jeffreythewang)
- [7440d34]( [payload] Fixing regression introducted in 4396
- [4486]( [Explore] applying refresh chart overlay when chart is stale (4486) (GabeLoins)
- [4480]( Add https support for Druid (4480) (mistercrunch)
- [4491]( Introduce an onInit method for when a new viz_type is selected (4491) (mistercrunch)
- [4488]( fixes to csv - hive upload (4488) (timifasubaa)
- [4469]( check for access before requesting access (4469) (timifasubaa)
- [4496]( Change limit form 50k to 10k (4496) (mistercrunch)
- [4490]( [WiP] Cleanup & fix URL scheme for the explore view (4490) (mistercrunch)
- [4485]( [dashboard] Fix JS error when position_json data is empty (4485) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4463]( New Landing Page v1.0 (4463) (hughhhh)
- [4459]( [Explore] highlighting run query when chart is stale on explore view (4459) (GabeLoins)
- [4467]( [geo] add controls for minRadiusPixels and maxRadiusPixels in deck_scatter (4467) (mistercrunch)
- [4477]( [flake8] Adding flake8-coding (4477) (john-bodley)
- [4478]( add organization (4478) (ailurus1991)
- [4466]( [FilterBox] Make filterbox localizable (4466) (raffas)
- [4476]( [flake8] Adding future-import check (4476) (john-bodley)
- [4474]( [flake8] Fixing additional flake8 issue w/ the presence of ignore (4474) (john-bodley)
- [4475]( Pass param of limit for recent activity (4475) (hughhhh)
- [4461]( [hotfix] resolve utf-8 encoding issue in db migration (4461) (timifasubaa)
- [4457]( [explore] allow URL shortner even if no slice exist (4457) (mistercrunch)
- [4400]( Allowing config flag to turn off javascript controls (4400) (mistercrunch)
- [4449]( Make instant controls store state in URL (4449) (betodealmeida)
- [4454]( Make npm run dev-fast the default (4454) (mistercrunch)
- [4456]( [gitignore] Adding venv to .gitignore (4456) (GabeLoins)
- [4444]( A collection of bug fixes (4444) (mistercrunch)
- [4455]( fixing spacing issue on internationalization dropdown (4455) (GabeLoins)
- [4452]( [bugfix] address issue 4206 (4452) (mistercrunch)
- [4446]( for 48 columns layout, adjust default size and layout for newly added slices (4446) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4413]( Remove comments from queries in SQL Lab that break Explore view (4413) (villebro)
- [4450]( fix typo. "グルプ分け可能" => "グループ分け可能" (4450) (m4neda)
- [4447]( remove html tag in timeout error message (4447) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4442]( Improve default placeholder text on SelectControl (4442) (mistercrunch)
- [4448]( Removed double call to ConnectorRegistry.sources (4448) (villebro)
- [4408]( Add link on how to get permission to permission error (4408) (timifasubaa)
- [4434]( Added Example snippet for setting up Redis cache (4434) (hughhhh)
- [4336]( Play scrubber (4336) (betodealmeida)
- [4430]( Change current thumbnails to smaller ones. (4430) (mistercrunch)
- [4436]( Pass in cache timeout for async queries (4436) (jeffreythewang)
- [4437]( Fix separator visualization by propagating header height (4437) (jaylindquist)
- [4438]( Make chart title backgrounds transparent to prevent buttonface color in IE (4438) (jaylindquist)
- [4416]( [dashboard] more granular grid layout (4416) (mistercrunch)
- [4432]( Added check cache key util (4432) (hughhhh)
- [4418]( Updated Italian Translation (4418) (raffas)
- [4431]( Add .1s option to D3 Format dropdown (4431) (raffas)
- [4405]( Disable user access request (4405) (timifasubaa)
- [4427]( Bump dependencies with security issues (4427) (xrmx)
- [3993]( [Explore view] Use POST method for charting requests (3993) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4410]( Unset 'series limit' default from 50 to null (4410) (mistercrunch)
- [4411]( use full path in case of there are query params (4411) (Chun-LingChen)
- [4389]( [geo] introduce "Auto Zoom" control (4389) (mistercrunch)
- [4401]( [SqlLab] Fix a few UI issues (4401) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4404]( Check class name string instead of checking the instance (4404) (mxmzdlv)
- [4380]( [error handling] 'Time Comparison' query returns no data (4380) (mistercrunch)
- [4383]( Typo fix: dashbaord -> dashboard. (4383) (xiaohanyu)
- [4396]( Fix markup broken since cache related changes (4396) (mistercrunch)
- [4178]( Add PeopleDoc in organizations list who use superset (4178) (rodo)
- [4390]( Fix 4 security vulnerabilities (4390) (ddworken-sc)
- [4349]( Minor fixes to sunburst (4349) (mistercrunch)
- [4346]( Add permission checks to save_or_overwrite_slice (4346) (jaylindquist)
- [4388]( Remove permission check for frontend logging API (4388) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4353]( Superset issue 4323 (4353) (maver1ck)
- [4377]( Bump pydruid to 0.4.1 (4377) (mistercrunch)
- [4359]( [revert] Reverting PR 4062 (4359) (john-bodley)
- [4316]( Fix caching issues (4316) (mistercrunch)
- [4372]( Set default row_limit to 50k (4372) (mistercrunch)
- [4363]( [line] improve feature (4363) (mistercrunch)
- [4373]( Remove dangerouslySetInnerHTML in StackTraceMessage component (4373) (mistercrunch)
- [4341]( Bump python dependencies (4341) (mistercrunch)
- [4333]( Add hour grain to Sqlite (4333) (betodealmeida)
- [4358]( [druid] fix bug around handling NULLs (4358) (mistercrunch)
- [4368]( Add ipdb to dev dependencies. (4368) (xiaohanyu)
- [4319]( convert postgresql date_trunc() to UTC to prevent pandas error (4319) (habalux)
- [4367]( Remove useless empty npm-debug.log (4367) (xiaohanyu)
- [4364]( New options for european time format in in D3_TIME_FORMAT_OPTIONS (4364) (raffas)
- [4344]( Adding dashboard add view (4344) (michellethomas)
- [4345]( fix uri form data' (4345) (timifasubaa)
- [4337]( read query params for json in dashboard endpoint (4337) (hughhhh)
- [4339]( 1. fix check filters change logic (4339) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4338]( Fix the bug of charts/slices cannot be filtered by datasource name. (4338) (liutgnu)
- [4298]( Refactor import csv (4298) (timifasubaa)
- [3676]( [New Viz] Nightingale Rose Chart (3676) (Mogball)
- [4241]( [cli] permission cleanup on 'superset init' (4241) (mistercrunch)
- [4224]( [BugFix]: Creating a PostgresBaseEngineSpec so changes to the Postgre… (4224) (fabianmenges)
- [4325]( Bump pyrdruid to 0.4.0 (4325) (mistercrunch)
- [4326]( [explore] fix missing CacheLabel (4326) (mistercrunch)
- [4321]( Update installation.rst for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (4321) (raffas)
- [4322]( [Bug] Resize should trigger chart re-render (4322) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4301]( [Explore] Fix Stop Query Button behavior (4301) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4293]( Refactoring deckgl (4293) (betodealmeida)
- [4226]( add frontend logging utility function (4226) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4242]( Added Path, Polygon, and Arcs to deckGL example dashboard (4242) (hughhhh)
- [4260]( Use the query_obj as the basis for the cache key (4260) (mistercrunch)
- [4299]( Bump sqlalchemy to 1.2.2 (4299) (xrmx)
- [4303]( Reverts apache/incubator-superset4244 (4303) (mistercrunch)
- [4291]( Fixing json decode error on druiddatasourcemodelview/api/read (4291) (michellethomas)
- [4272]( [geo] Add JS controls to remaining layers (4272) (hughhhh)
- [4261]( Set point size control's default for deck_scatter viz (4261) (mistercrunch)
- [4270]( deck_multi to pass down filters to layers (4270) (mistercrunch)
- [4275]( Handle 'pd.Timestamp' when jsonifying (4275) (mistercrunch)
- [4276]( Prevent FilterBox extra query (4276) (mistercrunch)
- [4277]( Fix SUPERSET_WEBSERVER_TIMEOUT in VisualizeModal (4277) (mistercrunch)
- [4262]( [geo] JS function to receive the whole data array instead of individual object (4262) (mistercrunch)
- [4265]( Fix click on now in DateFilterControl (4265) (mistercrunch)
- [4273]( [explore] fix empty query message in 'View Query' (4273) (mistercrunch)
- [4279]( Always use fluid container for navbar. (4279) (xiaohanyu)
- [4108]( [BUGFIX]: Check datatype of results before converting to DataFrame (4108) (marcusianlevine)
- [4243]( Use json for imports and exports, not pickle (4243) (timifasubaa)
- [4251]( Using a NullPool for external connections by default (4251) (mistercrunch)
- [4264]( Set 'Range Filter' default to false (4264) (mistercrunch)
- [4268]( Fix heatmap tooltip disappears under the slice's header (4268) (abotero)
- [4263]( Bump flower==0.9.2 (4263) (mistercrunch)
- [4240]( [cache] Fixing json.dumps for timestamp (4240) (john-bodley)
- [4246]( [Sql Lab] Fix query results display at the bottom of screen (4246) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4244]( [Sql Lab] Fix Autorefresh component pulling not stopped. (4244) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4237]( Fix 'argument to reversed() must be a sequence' (4237) (mistercrunch)
- [4227]( Added DeckGL.Polygon Layer w/ JS controls (4227) (hughhhh)
- [4235]( remove setting spatial in DeckPathViz class (4235) (hughhhh)
- [4229]( Don't cache if there's no cache key (4229) (michellethomas)
- [4234]( add Ona as a user (4234) (pld)
- [4220]( Improve GeoJSON visualization (4220) (mistercrunch)
- [4221]( [bugfix] time_pivot entry got missing in merge conflict (4221) (mistercrunch)
- [4225]( [bugfix] markup and iframe viz raise 'Empty query' (4225) (mistercrunch)
- [4215]( Fix tutorial doesn't match the current interface 4138 (4215) (zhaoyongjie)
- [4217]( templates: open code and documentation on a new tab (4217) (xrmx)
- [4207]( Adding limit to time_table viz to get druid query to work (4207) (michellethomas)
- [4202]( [line chart] fix time shift color (4202) (mistercrunch)
- [4016]( [cache] Using the query as the basis of the cache key (4016) (john-bodley)
- [4203]( [druid] fix 2 phases queries that specify 'Sort By' on 'Series limit' (4203) (mistercrunch)
- [4200]( [bugfix] dealing with DBAPIs that return unserilizable types (4200) (mistercrunch)
- [4134]( [Geo] Added DeckGL Arc Layer and Refactor on BaseDeckGL class (4134) (hughhhh)
- [4126]( Hanization (4126) (asdf2014)
- [4114]( Superset was using undefined metrics for specifying limits (4114) (bolkedebruin)
- [4173]( Using user-defined Javascript to customize geospatial visualization (4173) (mistercrunch)
- [4183]( [datasource editor] click checkbox creates metrics instantly (4183) (mistercrunch)
- [4201]( [explore] fix json highlighting for Druid queries (4201) (mistercrunch)
- [4186]( Sort out dependencies in travis/tox (4186) (mistercrunch)
- [4184]( Enable SQL syntax highlighting in View Query (4184) (betodealmeida)
- [4187]( [annotations] Fixing migration for annotation layers (4187) (john-bodley)
- [4176]( fix since or until is empty value 4170 (4176) (zhaoyongjie)
- [4182]( Moving the custom_password_store out of Database class (4182) (fabianmenges)
- [4180]( [security] Adding all derived FAB UserModelView views to admin only (4180) (john-bodley)
- [4101]( Don't use fully qualified column names in metric definitions (4101) (mistercrunch)
- [4172]( [FAB] configuring updating of permissions (4172) (john-bodley)
- [4164]( Allow alpha role import csv (4164) (timifasubaa)
- [4147]( Make Welcome page into a simple React app (4147) (mistercrunch)
- [4156]( Fix chart rendering error in time series table (4156) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4157]( [Bug] Closing change datasource modal throws JS error (4157) (graceguo-supercat)
- [4162]( Check for non-None database before using. (4162) (atronchi)
- [4163]( Druid support via SQLAlchemy (4163) (betodealmeida)
- [4125]( Fix invaild gitter url (4125) (asdf2014)
- [4148]( Adding Apache Kylin datasource for documentation (4148) (zhaoyongjie)
- [4143]( Create DATA_DIR after importing config (4143) (leorochael)
- [4121]( Fix USA's state geojson for 'Country Map' visualization (4121) (mistercrunch)
- [4139]( fix variable name (4139) (timifasubaa)
- [4130]( Remedy for dual axis annotation (4130) (Mogball)
- [4104]( [explore] add datasource metadata (4104) (mistercrunch)
- [4135]( better thumbnail for deck_geojson (4135) (hughhhh)
- [4124]( Added guard statement for spatial controls (4124) (hughhhh)
- [4096]( Multi layers DECK.GL visualization (4096) (mistercrunch)
- [4116]( Fix rst grammar problems (4116) (asdf2014)
- [4118]( Update UserInfo.jsx and set additional properties for react-gravatar (4118) (jpesculis)
- [4097]( [geo] Added DeckGL GeoJson layer (4097) (hughhhh)
- [4076]( Introduce Javascript controls (4076) (mistercrunch)
- [4042]( [Bugfix] Issues with merge_extra_filters (4042) (4091) (nbonnotte)
- [3996]( [sql lab] deeper support for templating (3996) (mistercrunch)
- [4067]( [geo] add support for's path layer (4067) (mistercrunch)
- [4090]( Using TextAreaControl for WHERE and HAVING clause section (4090) (mistercrunch)
- [4071]( Fix for SQL editor throwing can't deserialize with BigQuery (4071) (kuriancheeramelil)
- [4089]( Bugfix: Druid having filters are broken (4089) (fabianmenges)
- [4083]( Event annotation should have min width (4083) (fabianmenges)
- [4082]( [bugfix] iframe and markup are broken (4082) (mistercrunch)
- [4072]( DB migration of annotation_layers on slice objects and slimming down annotation object. (4072) (fabianmenges)
- [4073]( [Bugfix] Issues with table filtering (4073) (Mogball)
- [3530]( [Feature] enhanced memoized on get_sqla_engine and other functions (3530) (Mogball)
- [3518]( Full Annotation Framework (3518) (fabianmenges)
- [4065]( 4058 Fix Oracle timestamps (Oracle "ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis" error) (4065) (nichobbs)
- [4066]( [geo] turn off renderTrigger on viewport control (4066) (mistercrunch)
- [4062]( [health] Adding DB check to /health (4062) (john-bodley)
- [4059]( Adding rowcount label to explore view header (4059) (mistercrunch)
- [4032]( [geo] provide more flexible Spatial controls (4032) (mistercrunch)
- [4063]( Add db_engine_spec for Druid (4063) (mistercrunch)
- [4048]( Bump dev version on trunk (4048) (mistercrunch)
- [4045]( Changelog for 0.21.0 (4045) (mistercrunch)
- [4047]( Fix the pypi build (4047) (mistercrunch)
- [4049]( Change reference for slices to chart (4049) (hughhhh)

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