Breaking Change
- User context property added for all recipes' apis and functions
- Removes deprecated functions in recipe for user pagination and user count
- Changed email verification input functions' user type in emailpassword to be equal to emailpassword's user and not emailverification user.
- All session recipe's error handler not need to return `BaseResponse`.
- Session's recipe `get_session_information` returns a `SessionInformationResult` class object instead of a `dict` for easier consumption.
- `get_link_domain_and_path` config in passwordless recipe now takes a class type input as opposed to a string input as the first param
- Renamed `Session` to `SessionContainer` in session
- Upgrades `typing_extensions` to version 4.1.1
- Renames functions in ThirdPartyEmailPassword recipe (
- Recipe Interface:
- `sign_in_up` -> `thirdparty_sign_in_up`
- `sign_up` -> `emailpassword_sign_up`
- `sign_in` -> `emailpassword_sign_in`
- API Interface:
- `email_exists_get` -> `emailpassword_email_exists_get`
- User exposed functions (in `recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword/asyncio` and `recipe/thirdpartyemailpassword/syncio`)
- `sign_in_up` -> `thirdparty_sign_in_up`
- `sign_up` -> `emailpassword_sign_up`
- `sign_in` -> `emailpassword_sign_in`
- Returns session from all APIs where a session is created
- Added `regenerate_access_token` as a new recipe function for the session recipe.
- Strong typings.
- Changed file to make it simpler
- Remove default `= None` for functions internal to the package
Bug fix:
- If logging in via social login and the email is already verified from the provider's side, it marks the email as verified in SuperTokens core.
- Corrects how override is done in thirdpartyemailpassword recipe and API implementation