Mostly backwards compatible except for removals.
The only other unexpected behavior should be a new `?` appearing before prompts.
- Added `note`: A symbol coming before `prompt`.
- Added `info`: Updatable text coming after `prompt` and before `hint`.
- Added `indent` for `MultiLineEditor`: The amount of spaces for each tab.
- Added `jump` in `traverse`: A function deciding which index tab advances to.
- Added `Theme`: A data-like class used by `use` to overwrite global behavior.
- Added `auto` argument in almost every routine. Used to determine whether to respond immediately.
- Renamed modules and moved around classes to more specific places.
- Revamped `` and modules around it to better house new features.
- `hint` is now static and cannot be updated. Use `info` instead.
- Exposed `respond` for when `auto` is `False`.
- Updated documentation to match new changes.
- Removed the `view`, `color` and `erase` arguments from every routine in favor of `auto` and `respond`.
- Removed `` as hints are now made directly via routines in ``.
- `helpers.paint` now accommodates more cases of ANSI-SGR sequence injecting.