EDIT: Do not use this version, as it includes a serious bug introduced in https://github.com/hall-lab/svtyper/commit/9dd73d230c896e4ad4b15bd457226efeb632527e that causes SVTyper to ignore paired-end evidence. Patched in https://github.com/hall-lab/svtyper/commit/a2a9381336849d8cab5b5baa87793a0db5ebbbb4
Minor update
- splitters.bam can be omitted (but this will not consider split-read evidence
- for deletions smaller than 2 x stdev of library insert, ignore paired-end evidence, due to low power
- speed improvement (~25%, thanks to brentp )
- Set GQ to integer (in accordance with VCF spec)
- ignore libraries that constitute < 0.1% of BAM file