- Add Normal `transaction`, `solver` and `signature` for all blockchain providers including `ERC20` and `XRC20` token standards.
- Add [Ethereum]( Hash Time Lock Contract `HTLC-ERC20` token standard protocol.
| Network | HTLC Contract Addresses | HTLC ERC20 Contract Addresses |
| -------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| Mainnet | None | None |
| Ropsten | [0x0cc7C744f96729B7f60B12B36A4B9504191CD458]( | [0x761c47A8dc8178d55aE14b661abf26cc0B599bc6]( |
| Kovan | [0xf3c7CD43F2f87958E708E00780EBDf87292Ad37E]( | [0x32a05649778bc96958bF804835C9e8eC9678e283]( |
| Rinkeby | [0xB00370e1F88C86Ef6Fc81B380E0c7fC1dcbceD17]( | [0xe0d3155c9DC0ADdCDA71E7ef15c689AeCC8Dfc28]( |
| Testnet | None | None |
- Add [XinFin]( Hash Time Lock Contract `HTLC-XRC20` token standards protocol.
| Network | HTLC Contract Addresses | HTLC XRC20 Contract Addresses |
| -------------- | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: | :---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
| Mainnet | [xdc1C2F24F4E2427aD43df9c20521B88C78A32Bafb2]( | [xdcC8E8De7999D74bdD71e1cDC00025867F34c50b89]( |
| Apothem | [xdc959c04329fa6B45d0250A2315673e4F952218BdE]( | [xdc4C909fdd6c30f5B4c4d48938C161637B2767d714]( |
| Testnet | None | None |
- Add `wallet.erc20_balance`, `rpc.get_erc20_balance`, `rpc.get_erc20_decimals`, and `utils.get_erc20_data` functions on Ethereum provider.
- Add `wallet.xrc20_balance`, `rpc.get_xrc20_balance`, `rpc.get_xrc20_decimals`, and `utils.get_xrc20_data` functions on XinFin provider.
- Drop `from_root_xprivate_key` function from Bitcoin, Ethereum and XinFin wallets.
- Upgrade Solidity compiler of Ethereum and XinFin HTLC's Smart contract scripts to the latest v0.8.10 `solc` package.
- Change `decode_raw` and `submit_raw` functions transaction_raw param to raw of Ethereum and XinFin providers.
- Bump Web3 from v5.19.0 to v5.25.0 package.
- Bump Py-Solc-X from v1.1.0 to x1.1.1 package
- Bump HDWallet from v1.3.1 to v2.0.1 package.