
Latest version: v2.3.1

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- **Fixed:** issue with comet.ml in a notebook environment


- **Fixed:** division by zero crash in some cases
- **Fixed:** association graph description text
- **Fixed:** ignoring warning due to matplotlib/numpy/pandas version mismatches


- **Added:** support for Comet.ml


- **Added:** numerical features now show "ZEROES" count in the summary tab


- **Fixed:** issue causing "FloatingPointError: divide by zero encountered in true_divide" in some edge cases


- **Enhanced:** feature counts near 0% and 100% will now show a more accurate "<1%" and ">99%"
- **Enhanced:** added more changes to feature counting to make it more consistent
- **Enhanced:** now allowing tuples (not just lists) as parameters for naming datasets
- **Fixed:** appearance of feature numbers above 100 (better alignment) and 1000 (now shown vertically)
- **Fixed:** sorting issue causing feature summaries above 2500 to disappear
- **Fixed:** progress bar issues causing it to be repeated or cause line ending issues

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