
Latest version: v0.4.0

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This update brings a number of requested features and some major bugfixes. The parameters file and database format have changed, so this is a *breaking update*, meaning you need to run `swga init` and `swga count` again on any current project.
What's new:
- New installation/upgrade method:
- `swga` is now on PyPI so you can install via `pip install swga` and update
with `pip install --upgrade swga`! No more git cloning!
- New primer filters:
- `max_gini`: Filter primers by the evenness of binding on the foreground
genome, as calculated by the Gini index (a value from 0-1, 0=perfectly even,
1=perfectly uneven)
- New export options:
- Export the Lorenz curve for a given set, which can be used to visualize the
evenness of binding site distributions on a genome (see https://wikipedia.org/en/Lorenz_curve)
- Bedgraph export now outputs the number of times a primer binds to a given
region instead of the number of nucleotides bound, addressing a common
point of confusion
- Bugfix: Manually adding and activating a custom list of primers now actually
works and is covered by the integration tests.
- Code maintenance: better test coverage, removed dead code, broke out helper
modules into their own packages.
- `swga setopt` has been removed.


This update brings mostly bugfixes and a few small enhancements. The parameters
file has been updated, so be sure to run `swga init` again on any current
What's new:
- `swga init` now prompts for an exclusionary FASTA file that will be used to
prevent certain primers from being used (i.e. any primer that appears in the
sequences given in the exclusionary file will be omitted).
- Bugfix: DSK does not include a primer's reverse complement in its list of
primers counted. We've accounted for this as per issue 17.
- Bugfix: Locate functions now check for reverse complement, not just reverse
(this may have a pretty large impact on your sets, so worth re-running any
analyses with the update)
- Wiki has been organized and cleaned up
- Lots of usability enhancements from Sesh (thanks Sesh!)
- Other code cleanups and bugfixes


This update brings a few new features and a couple bugfixes. The primer database
and parameters file have changed, so be sure to run `swga init` and `swga count`
again on any current projects.
What's new:
- Search the primer compatibility graph using multiple independent workers. This
may allow users to find better sets faster, but since the graph coloring is
randomized, this is not guaranteed.
- Users can now score single sets using `swga score`
- Users can now activate custom sets using `swga activate`
- `swga init` now handles blank lines in FASTA files
- Restored original scoring metric
- Fixed homodimer check
- Exporting as bedgraph uses totals instead of average for sliding window
- Better unit test coverage



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