
Latest version: v2024.11.1

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Bug Fixes
- Fixed bugs that were causing multiple failures when restarting runs with collisions. 48 kaustubanand
- Refactored Fortran code to conform to standard line lengths, which cuts down on the number of warnings issued when compiling in debug mode. 52 profminton


Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where a user-defined parameter file name was not read correctly and overwritten.`set_parameter()` now handles changes to the parameter file name correctly. [GH49](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/pull/49).

Internal Changes
- Retooled build to use OpenMPI to support upcoming Coarray Test Particle feature [GH7](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/issues/7)
- Pinned Numpy version to 1.26.4 because version 2.0.0 breaks Xarray (via Pandas) [SO78634235](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78634235/numpy-dtype-size-changed-may-indicate-binary-incompatibility-expected-96-from)
- Build dependencies as static library for better portability by profminton.

- kaustubanand
- profminton

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/compare/v2024.06.0...v2024.06.1


Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that was causing some pl-tp discards to fail due to typos in the snapshot saver argument lists (pl and tp arrays were reversed in some places). 42

Internal Changes
- Updated the gfortran version to 14 for Mac builds so that the homebrew libraries match the compiled libraries. Otherwise, library delocation fails due to identical fortran library names in two different locations.


Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug that was causing discards to fail when there were more than one discard in a single step. This was due to not deallocating the `ldiscard` or `ldiscard_tp` / `ldiscard_pl` arrays after they were used. 40


Bug Fixes

- Fixed problems that were preventing non pl-pl collision types to be stored in the `collisions.nc` file (the `collisions` Dataset). [GH38](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/issues/38)
- Changed the way that mergers are handled when they would result in a merged body above the spin barrier. These are forced to always be pure hit-and-runs, rather than disruptive hit-and-run.

Internal Changes

- In preparation for a planned release that will use [Coarray Fortran](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coarray_Fortran) to parallelize RMVS runs, we have incorporated the [OpenMPI](https://www.open-mpi.org/) library into the build process. All of the build scripts were overhauled in order to compile with the MPI wrappers.
- A slew of new tests were added to test that collisions were being recorded correctly.

Breaking Changes

- We have dropped support for MacOS-11 from the official PyPI wheels, as the addition of OpenMPI to the build process prevented the wheels from being built on the GitHub runners.
- The structure of the collisions Dataset has been altered to help improve performance in runs with large numbers of collisions and fragmentation. The `name` variable is no longer a dimension-coordinate, as this was causing the Dataset to become unreasonably large when reading in runs with a long history of fragmentation events. Instead, the names of bodies in the before and after stages of a collision are stored as regular variables that are unique to each individual collision. This will prevent the `name` variable from needing to be so large, as it only needs to be as long as the maximum number of bodies made in a single collision, rather than the total number of unique bodies every made in all collisions. This means that one cannot select bodies by name using the `.sel` method, but instead must use the `.where` method to select bodies by name. This change was made to address [GH39](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/issues/39).


Bug Fixes
- Fixed problem that was causing the wrong dimensions to be added to certain variables when calling `swiftest.SwiftestDataset.xv2el` and `swiftest.SwiftestDataset.el2xv`. [GH31](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/issues/31)
- Fixed bug that was causing a failure to read in collision Datasets when `dask=True` was set. [GH36](https://github.com/MintonGroup/swiftest/issues/36)
- Fixed other minor bugs that only appeared when reading in datasets using Dask.

Internal Changes
- Pinned the h5py package to v3.10.0 because v3.11.0 does not support aarch64 Linux wheels and the build fails on that platform.

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