- Corrected 1.3.1's manifest to include the admin UI template HTML.
- Setup Switchboard as an embeddable WSGI app. - More multithreading fixes. - Improve documentation on the example app and integrating Switchboard. - Add a functional test suite to run through admin UI. - Update to produce wheels and use twine for uploading.
Minor bug fixes: - Fixes race condition when auto creating new switches that would result in duplicate switches being created. - Additional error handling and logging in place should the local, in-memory cache be null when attempting to check a switch.
This release adds documentation and fixes a complaint in pip installs. - Switchboard now has something resembling docs at http://switchboard.readthedocs.org/ - improving these will be an ongoing focus for the next several months. - Pip was complaining because there was a non-existent directory listed in the manifest. Directory removed.