
Latest version: v0.4.1

Safety actively analyzes 714815 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* use tuple instead of list to index numpy arrays



* Stepper, DiagnosticComponent, ImplicitTendencyComponent, and TendencyComponent base classes were
modified to include functionality that was previously in ScalingWrapper,
UpdateFrequencyWrapper, and TendencyInDiagnosticsWrapper. The functionality of
TendencyInDiagnosticsWrapper is now to be used in Stepper and TendencyStepper objects.
* Composites now have a component_list attribute which contains the components being
* TimeSteppers now have a prognostic_list attribute which contains the
prognostics used to calculate tendencies.
* TimeSteppers from sympl can now handle ImplicitTendencyComponent components.
* Added a check for netcdftime having the required objects, to fall back on not
using netcdftime when those are missing. This is because most objects are missing in
older versions of netcdftime (that come packaged with netCDF4) (closes 23).
* TimeSteppers should now be called with individual Prognostics as args, rather
than a list of components, and will emit a warning when lists are given.
* TimeSteppers now have input, output, and diagnostic properties as attributes.
These are handled entirely by the base class.
* TimeSteppers now allow you to put tendencies in their diagnostic output. This
is done using first-order time differencing.
* Composites now have properties dictionaries.
* Updated basic components to use new component API.
* Components enforce consistency of output from array_call with properties
dictionaries, raising ComponentMissingOutputError or ComponentExtraOutputError
respectively if outputs do not match.
* Added a priority order of property types for determining which aliases are
returned by get_component_aliases.
* Fixed a bug where TendencyStepper objects would modify the arrays passed to them by
TendencyComponent objects, leading to unexpected value changes.
* Fixed a bug where constants were missing from the string returned by
get_constants_string, particularly any new constants (issue 27)
* Fixed a bug in NetCDFMonitor which led to some aliases being skipped.
* Modified class checking on components so that components which satisfy the
component's API will be recognized as instances using isinstance(obj, Class).
Right now this only checks for the presence and lack of presence of
component attributes, and correct signature of __call__. Later it may also
check properties dictionaries for consistency, or perform other checks.
* Fixed a bug where ABCMeta was not being used in Python 3.
* Added initialize_numpy_arrays_with_properties which creates zero arrays for an output
properties dictionary.
* Added reference_air_temperature constant.
* Fixed bug where degrees Celcius or Fahrenheit could not be used as units on inputs
because it would lead to an error.
* Added combine_component_properties as a public function.
* Added some unit helper functions (units_are_same, units_are_compatible,
is_valid_unit) to public API.
* Added tracer-handling funcitonality to component base classes.

Breaking changes

* Implicit, Timestepper, Prognostic, ImplicitPrognostic, and Diagnostic objects have been renamed to
TendencyStepper, Stepper, TendencyComponent, ImplicitTendencyComponent,
and DiagnosticComponent. These changes are also reflected in subclass names.
* inputs, outputs, diagnostics, and tendencies are no longer attributes of components.
In order to get these, you should use e.g. input_properties.keys()
* properties dictionaries are now abstract methods, so subclasses must define them.
Previously they defaulted to empty dictionaries.
* Base classes now raise InvalidPropertyDictError when output property units conflict with input
property units (which probably indicates that they're wrong).
* Components should now be written using a new array_call method rather than __call__.
__call__ will automatically unwrap DataArrays to numpy arrays to be passed into
array_call based on the component's properties dictionaries, and re-wrap to
DataArrays when done.
* TimeSteppers should now be written using a _call method rather than __call__.
__call__ wraps _call to provide some base class functionality, like putting
tendencies in diagnostics.
* ScalingWrapper, UpdateFrequencyWrapper, and TendencyInDiagnosticsWrapper
have been removed. The functionality of these wrappers has been moved to the
component base types as methods and initialization options.
* 'time' now must be present in the model state dictionary. This is strictly required
for calls to DiagnosticComponent, TendencyComponent, ImplicitTendencyComponent, and Stepper components,
and may be strictly required in other ways in the future
* Removed everything to do with directional wildcards. Currently '*' is the
only wildcard dimension. 'x', 'y', and 'z' refer to their own names only.
* Removed the combine_dimensions function, which wasn't used anywhere and no
longer has much purpose without directional wildcards
* RelaxationTendencyComponent no longer allows caching of equilibrium values or
timescale. They must be provided through the input state. This is to ensure
proper conversion of dimensions and units.
* Removed ComponentTestBase from package. All of its tests except for output
caching are now performed on object initialization or call time.
* "*" matches are now enforced to be the same across all quantities of a
component, such that the length of the "*" axis will be the same for all
quantities. Any missing dimensions that are present on other quantities
will be created and broadcast to achieve this.
* dims_like is obsolete as a result, and is no longer used. `dims` should be
used instead. If present, `dims` from input properties will be used as
* Components will now raise an exception when __call__ of the component base
class (e.g. Stepper, TendencyComponent, etc.) if the __init__ method of the base
class has not been called, telling the user that the component __init__
method should make a call to the superclass init.



* Exported get_constants_string to the public API
* Added "aliases" kwarg to NetCDFMonitor, allowing the monitor to shorten
variable names when writing to netCDF
* Added get_component_aliases() to get a dictionary of quantity aliases from
a list of Components (used by NetCDFMonitor to shorten variable
* Added tests for NetCDFMonitor aliases and get_component_aliases()

Breaking changes
* tendencies in diagnostics are now named as X_tendency_from_Y, instead of
tendency_of_X_due_to_Y. The idea is that it's shorter, and can easily be
shortened more by aliasing "tendency" to "tend"



* Fixed botched deployment, see v0.3.0 for the real changes



* Modified component class checking to look at the presence of properties
* Added ScalingWrapper
* Fixed bug in TendencyInDiagnosticsWrapper where tendency_diagnostics_properties were
being copied into input_properties
* Modified component class checking to look at the presence of properties
attributes instead of checking type when verifying component class.
* Removed Python 3.4 from Travis CI testing
* added some more constants to default_constants related to conductivity of
water in all phases and phase changes of water.
* increased the verbosity of the error output on shape mismatch in
* corrected heat capacity of snow and ice to be floats instead of ints
* Added get_constant function as the way to retrieve constants
* Added ImplicitTendencyComponent as a new component type. It is like a TendencyComponent,
but its call signature also requires that a timestep be given.
* Added TimeDifferencingWrapper, which turns an Stepper into an
ImplicitTendencyComponent by applying first-order time differencing.
* Added set_condensible_name as a way of changing what condensible aliases
(for example, density_of_solid_phase) refer to. Default is 'water'.
* Moved wrappers to their own file (out from
* Corrected str representation of DiagnosticComponent to say DiagnosticComponent instead of
* Added a function reset_constants to reset the constants library to its
initial state.
* Added a function datetime which accepts calendar as a keyword argument, and
returns datetimes from netcdftime when non-default calendars are used. The
dependency on netcdftime is optional, the other calendars just won't work if
it isn't installed
* Added a reference to the built-in timedelta for convenience.

Breaking changes

* Removed default_constants from the public API, use get_constant and
set_constant instead.
* Removed replace_none_with_default. Use get_constant instead.
* set_dimension_names has been removed, use set_direction_names instead.



* Fixed value of planetary radius, added specific heat of water vapor.
* Added function set_constant which provides an easy interface for setting
values in the default_constants dictionary. Users can already set them
manually by creating DataArray objects. This automates the DataArray
creation, which should make user code cleaner.

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