See for the release notes.
<table> <tr> <th> Filename </th> <th> Description </th> <th> size </th> <th> md5 </th> </tr> <tr> <td> <b> sympy-1.0.tar.gz </b> </td> <td> The SymPy source installer. </td> <td> 4.1M </td> <td> 43e797de799f00f9e8fd2307dba9fab1 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <b> sympy-1.0.win32.exe </b> </td> <td> Python Windows 32-bit installer. </td> <td> 3.4M </td> <td> b9513840c2387cbfd19d67304da1f0dc </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <b> </b> </td> <td> Html documentation for the Python 2 version. This is the same as
the <a href="">online documentation</a>. </td> <td> 6.4M </td> <td> 73bb59a01354ebd00e8c5eba473032f8 </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <b> sympy-docs-pdf-1.0.pdf </b> </td> <td> Pdf version of the <a href=""> html documentation</a>. </td> <td> 9.0M </td> <td> 7cfa5700e5cff95cf6f7cfc8356e795e </td> </tr> </table>
**Note**: Do not download the **Source code (zip)** or the **Source code (tar.gz)**
files below.