* support `isintance` operation for factory instance Yikai-Liao Natooz
* support `==` and `!=` operator Yikai-Liao Natooz
* add Linux aarch64 (arm64) precompiled files lzqlzzq
from symusic import Note
isinstance(Note(1,1,1,1), Note) True
Note(1,1,1,1) == Note(1,1,1,1) True
Note(1,1,1,1) != Note(2,2,2,2) True
Make All objects in symusic pickable
* Add c++20 in github actions workflow lzqlzzq
* Add using `zpp_bits` as pickle backend Yikai-Liao
* pickle for symusic is now 10 times faster than loading from raw midi files
* Just use pickle for `multi-processing` and `cache`. Don't use pickle to store midi for a long time, the format might be changed in the future
* There is still a redundant copy in pickle serialization process, may try py::buffer_info to achieve zero_copy
* add tpq construtor in `ScoreFactory` Yikai-Liao
* add `PedalFactory` Natooz
* add `ttype` readonly property for all classes Yikai-Liao