We release version 0.3.3 which you can install with `pip install syne-tune[extra]`.
Thanks to all contributors (sorted by chronological commit order):
mseeger, mina-ghashami, aaronkl, jgolebiowski, Valavanca, TrellixVulnTeam,
geoalgo, wistuba, mlblack
* Revamped documentation hosted at https://syne-tune.readthedocs.io
* New tutorial: Benchmarking in Syne Tune
* Added section on backends in Basics of Syne Tune tutorial
* Control of re-creating of blackboxes by checking and storing hash codes
* New benchmark: Transformer on WikiText-2
* Support SageMaker managed warm pools in SageMaker backend
* Improvements for benchmarking with YAHPO blackboxes
* Support points_to_evaluate in BORE
* SageMaker backend supports delete_checkpoints=True
* GridSearch supports all domain types now
* BlackboxSurrogate of blackbox repository supports different modes
* Add timeout to unit tests
* New unit tests which run schedulers for longer, using simulator backend
* HyperbandScheduler: does_pause_resume for all types
* ASHA with type="promotion" did not work when checkpointing not implemented
* Fixed preprocessing of PD1 blackbox
* SageMaker backend reports on true number of busy workers (fixes issue 250)
* Fix issue with uploading/syncing to S3 of YAHPO blackbox
* Fix YAHPO surrogate evaluations in the presence of inactive hyperparameters
* Fix treatment of Status.paused in TuningStatus and Tuner