- Always use 64bit integers for indexing in :meth:`tabmat.ext.sparse.sparse_sandwich` to avoid segmentation faults on very wide problems.
**Bug fix**
- Disable the use of static TLS in the Linux wheels to avoid issues with too small TLS on some distributions.
**Bug fix**
- We fixed a bug in :meth:`tabmat.SplitMatrix.matvec`, where incorrect matrix vector products were computed when a ``SplitMatrix`` did not contain any dense components.
**Other changes**
- We are now specifying the run time dependencies in ``setup.py``, so that missing dependencies are automatically installed from PyPI when installing ``tabmat`` via pip.
**Other changes**
- tabmat is now available on PyPI and will be automatically updated when a new release is published.
**Bug fix**
- We now support ``xsimd>=8`` and support alternative jemalloc installations.