What's Changed * Fix deps make function, install pip and maturin by letmerecall in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/189 * Fix 'tach test' impact analysis when git root is not cwd by emdoyle in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/190 * tach test should exit with zero when no tests run by emdoyle in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/191
What's Changed * Fix deps make function, activate venv before installing crate by letmerecall in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/186 * Add experimental support for Python 3.7, 3.13-dev by emdoyle in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/183
What's Changed * Speed up gif by emdoyle in https://github.com/Never-Over/modguard/pull/21 * Update README.md by caelean in https://github.com/Never-Over/modguard/pull/22 * Revert single-level restriction on module-level public() call by emdoyle in https://github.com/Never-Over/modguard/pull/25 * add regex support by caelean in https://github.com/Never-Over/modguard/pull/26
What's Changed * Create dependabot.yml by clin1234 in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/154 * Update links to new docs site by emdoyle in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/155 * Bump pyo3 by clin1234 in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/153 * Bump twine from 5.0.0 to 5.1.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/156 * Bump cached from 0.51.4 to 0.52.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/165 * Bump pytest from 8.1.1 to 8.2.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/161 * Bump prompt-toolkit from 3.0.43 to 3.0.47 by dependabot in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/158 * feat: Preserve language server directive and formatting in tach sync by tiluckdave in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/151
New Contributors * clin1234 made their first contribution in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/154 * dependabot made their first contribution in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/156 * tiluckdave made their first contribution in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/151
What's Changed * prune the default behaviour and --add for adding missing dependency by dhananjaypai08 in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/148 * Use Mintlify for docs by anmolm96 in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/149
New Contributors * anmolm96 made their first contribution in https://github.com/gauge-sh/tach/pull/149