- Improved ingest: improved schema validation feedback for user, remove duplicates in tagpacks
- Generate tagpack base URI automatically (no longer necessary to keep config.yaml up-to-date)
- Updated confidence.csv
- YAML file inclusion to share a header file between multiple tagpack files
- Encourage clean tagpack repository when ingesting tagpacks (can be disabled with command line options `--no_strict_check` and `--no_git`)
- URI field in TagStore database to support backlink to tagpack repository in the dashboard
- Option to ingest all taxonomies at once instead of one taxonomy at a time
- Command-line option `--config` to supply path to config file
- Command-line option `--force` to force re-ingest if tagpack already is present in database
- Command-line option `--add_new` to skip over ingested tagpacks and ingest only new ones