New Build Process
``pip install`` (in a virtualenv) is now the recommended way to install
Tahoe-LAFS. The old "bin/tahoe" script (created inside the source tree,
rather than in a virtualenv) has been removed, as has the ancient
"zetuptoolz" fork of setuptools.
Tahoe was started in 2006, and predates pip and virtualenv. From the
very beginning it used a home-made build process that attempted to make
``setup.py build`` behave somewhat like a modern ``pip
install --editable .``. It included a local copy of ``setuptools`` (to
avoid requiring it to be pre-installed), which was then forked as
``zetuptoolz`` to fix bugs during the bad old days of setuptools
non-maintenance. The pseudo-virtualenv used a script named
``bin/tahoe``, created during ``setup.py build``, to set up the $PATH
and $PYTHONPATH as necessary.
Starting with this release, all the custom build process has been
removed, and Tahoe should be installable with standard modern tools. You
will need ``virtualenv`` installed (which provides ``pip`` and
setuptools). Many Python installers include ``virtualenv`` already, and
Debian-like systems can use ``apt-get install python-virtualenv``. If
the command is not available on your system, follow the installation
instructions at https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/ .
Then, to install the latest version, create a virtualenv and use
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install tahoe-lafs
(venv) tahoe --version
To run Tahoe from a source checkout (so you can hack on Tahoe), use
``pip install --editable .`` from the git tree::
git clone https://github.com/tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs.git
cd tahoe-lafs
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
(venv) pip install --editable .
(venv) tahoe --version
The ``pip install`` will download and install all necessary Python
dependencies. Some dependencies require a C compiler and system
libraries to build: on Debian/Ubuntu-like systems, use ``apt-get install
build-essential python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev``. On Windows and OS-X
platforms, we provide pre-compiled binary wheels at
``https://tahoe-lafs.org/deps/``, removing the need for a compiler.
(1582, 2445, also helped to close: 142, 709, 717, 799, 1220,
1260, 1270, 1403, 1450, 1451, 1504, 1896, 2044, 2221, 2021,
2028, 2066, 2077, 2247, 2255, 2286, 2306, 2473, 2475, 2530,
657, 2446, 2439, 2317, 1753, 1009, 1168, 1238, 1258, 1334,
1346, 1464, 2356, 2570)
New PyPI Distribution Name
Tahoe-LAFS is now known on PyPI as ``tahoe-lafs``. It was formerly known
as ``allmydata-tahoe``. This affects ``pip install`` commands. (2011)
Because of this change, if you use a git checkout, you may need to run
``make distclean`` (to delete the machine-generated
``src/allmydata/_appname.py`` file). You may also need to remove
``allmydata-tahoe`` from any virtualenvs you've created, before
installing ``tahoe-lafs`` into them. If all else fails, make a new git
checkout, and use a new virtualenv.
Note that the importable *package* name is still ``allmydata``, but this
only affects developers, not end-users. This name scheduled to be
changed in a future release. (1950)
Compatibility and Dependency Updates
Tahoe now requires Python 2.7 on all platforms. (2445)
Tahoe now requires Foolscap 0.10.1, which fixes incompatibilities with
recent Twisted releases. (2510, 2722, 2567)
Tahoe requires Twisted 15.1.0 or later, so it can request the
``Twisted[tls]`` "extra" (this asks Twisted to ask for everything it
needs to provide proper TLS support). (2760)
Tests should now work with both Nevow 0.11 and 0.12 . (2663)
Binary wheels for Windows and OS-X (for all dependencies) have been
built and are hosted at https://tahoe-lafs.org/deps . Use ``pip
install --find-links=URL tahoe-lafs`` to take advantage of them. (2001)
We've removed the SUMO and tahoe-deps tarballs. Please see
docs/desert-island.rst for instructions to build tahoe from offline
systems. (1009, 2530, 2446, 2439)
Configuration Changes
A new "peers.preferred" item was added to the ``[client]`` section. This
identifies servers that will be promoted to the front of the
peer-selection list when uploading or downloading files. Servers are
identified by their Node ID (visible on the welcome page). This may be
useful to ensure that one full set of shares are placed on nearby
servers, making later downloads fast (and avoid using scarce remote
bandwidth). The remaining shares can go to distant backup servers. (git
commit 96eaca6)
Aliases can now be unicode. (git commit 46719a8b)
The introducer's "set_encoding_parameters" feature was removed. Once
upon a time, the Introducer could recommend encoding parameters
(shares.needed and shares.total) to all clients, the idea being that the
Introducer had a slightly better idea about the expected size of the
storage server pool than clients might. Client-side support for this was
removed long ago, but the Introducer itself kept delivering
recommendations until this release. (git commit 56a9f5ad)
Other Fixes
The OS-X .pkg installer has been improved slightly, to clean up after
previous installations better. (2493)
All WUI (Web UI) timestamps should now be a consistent format, using the
gateway machine's local time zone. (1077)
The web "welcome page" has been improved: it shows how long a server has
been connected (in minutes/hours/days, instead of the date+time when the
connection was most recently established). The "announced" column has
been replaced with "Last RX" column that shows when we last heard
anything from the server. The mostly-useless "storage" column has been
removed. (1973)
In the ``tahoe ls`` command, the ``-u`` shortcut for ``--uri`` has been
removed, leaving the shortcut free for the global ``--node-url`` option.
(1949, 2137)
Some internal logging was disabled, to avoid a temporary bug that caused
excessive (perhaps infinite) log messages to be created. (2567)
Other non-user-visible tickets were fixed. (2499, 2511, 2556, 2663,
2723, 2543)