*Bug fixes*
* Fix multiple bugs in `earliest()`, `earlier(..)`, `latest()`, `later(..)` live calculations and related functionality
* Issue 77, unreliability when cross-linking different simulations (mrey)
* Compatibility with Python 3.7 and 3.8
* Compute correct `contamination_fraction` when writing in server mode (mrey)
* Fix bug in `__repr__` for Links when `weight` is None
* Fix bug in property writer, where pre-requisites could be erroneously flagged as not present simply because they were links rather than properties
* The tolerance for considering two timesteps 'the same time' is now configurable within `config.py`
* Add `==`, `<=` and `>=` comparison operators to live calculation
* Added a tool to import AHF merger trees (tobibu)
* Add ability to import hostHalo/childHalo from AHF
* Extent `abs()` live-calculation function to take absolute value of scalars as well as vector quantities