
Latest version: v0.11.2

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* added sort numbered trajs to :code:`cli_trajedit`
* added sort numbered trajectory paths in lib
* improved :code:`cli_imagemol` readability
* added selection in :code:`cli_noSol`



* created :code:`cli_angle`. Calculates angles between a plane along the trajectory. Plane is given by the three centre_of_geometries of three selections.
* args to plot passed as list are transformed to tuple
* added distance calc and plot interface :code:`cli_distances`
* :code:`trajedit` now saves topology unwrapped



* renumbered version to 0.4.1. from 0.3.1
* RMSD Cli now calculates for several selections
* Parse plot vars now registers floats
* corrected fext cli entry point
* added align option to trajedit
* topology model writen from first frame of time slicing
* added unwrap() molecule method from MDAnalysis in :code:`trajedit` with respective options
* topology output now defaults to traj name + :code:`frame0.pdb`
* added .myparents() to Path in :code:`__init__`



* Created *develop* branch
* Created client for frame extraction: :code:`cli_fext`
* Added option to disable export of frame0 topology in trajedit



* dropped py35
* separated lib MDAnalysis from MDTraj
* :code:`libio` concerns only general functions
* improved :code:`imagemol` I/O



* added :code:`cli_report`

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