
Latest version: v4.3.4

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| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| martinholmer | 1123 - 1131 | New JSON reform file examples and capabilities |
| martinholmer | 1148 | Separate reforms and economic assumptions into two separate JSON files |
| matthjensen | 1152 | Fix bugs in 10_min notebook |


| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| Martin Holmer | 1081 | add ability to use an expression to specify a policy parameter |
| Martin Holmer | 1083 | expand scope of JSON reform file to include non-policy parameters |
| Martin Holmer | 1088 | fix capital-gains-reform bug reported by Cody Kallen |
| Martin Holmer | 1098 | add ability to conduct normative expected-utility analysis |
| Cody Kallen | 1104 | add ability to compute MTR with respect to charitable cash contribs |
| Zach Risher | 1092 | provide Pandas 0.19.1 compat by fixing dataframe.to_csv() usage |
| Zach Risher | 1094 | unify environment definition by removing requirements.txt |
| Matt Jensen | 1109 | reorganize current_law_policy.json and add section headers |
| Cody Kallen | 1084 | add dollar limit on itemized deductions |
| T.J. Alumbaugh | 1111 | add testing for Windows with Appveyor |


| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| Cody Kallen | 1069 | add ability to simulate non-refundable dependent credit |
| Martin Holmer | 1072 | add ability to narrow investment income exclusion base |


| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| Martin Holmer | 1051 | rename policy parameters for consistency |
| Matt Jensen | 1055 | add ability to simulate broader range of refundable CTC reforms |
| Martin Holmer | 1057 | add more income items into expanded income |


| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| Martin Holmer | 1043 | rename and refactor old add_weighted_decile_bins utility function |
| Martin Holmer | 1044 | remove unused argument from means_and_comparisons utility function |


| Contributor | PR | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :-- |
| Cody Kallen | 981 | identify and fix bug in TaxGains function (see 977 and 979) |
| Cody Kallen | 987 | add calculation of MTR wrt e26270, partnership & S-corp income |
| Matt Jensen | 988 | identify and fix bug in multiyear_diagnostic_table utility function |
| Martin Holmer | 1000 | fix AMT bug that ignored value of AMT_CG_rt1 parameter |
| Martin Holmer | 1001 | fix several other minor AMT CG bugs |
| Sean Wang | 948 | add utility function that plots marginal tax rates by percentile |
| Anderson Frailey | 999 | add ability to simulate Trump-style dependent care credit |
| Martin Holmer | 1012 | add ability to simulate Clinton-style NIIT reform |
| Martin Holmer | 1021 | remove self-employment tax from income tax total |
| Martin Holmer | 1032 | add half of self-employment tax to expanded income |
| Matt Jensen | 1039 | add ability to simulate Clinton-style CTC expansion |

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