* `Taxonomy.consensus` now correctly handles list of taxids as int
* `Taxonomy.consensus` and `Taxonomy.lca` can now ignore missing taxa instead of raising an error
* `Taxonomy.from_json`, `load`, `Taxonomy.from_taxdump` and `load_ncbi` are deprecated. See v2.4.0 notes for replacements
**New features**
* It is now possible to create Newick tree with `Taxonomy.toNewick` (Experimental)
* Update docstrings * Rework documentation * Taxonomy.getXXX methods now behave like dict.get: allow default return value if key is not found, never raises an error
* taxidTools.InvalidNodeError now ihnerits from KeyError as well, this might be more intuitive for some users
**New features**
* It is now possible to provide merged nodes, either form the taxdump file `merged.dmp` or directly via instances of the class `MergedNode` * Attempting to retrieve a MergedNode from a Taxonomy instance will return the node it was merged with.
**Bug Fix**
* Instanciating a Lineagefrom a DummyNode doesn't raise an Error anymore