
Latest version: v0.4.0

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* Fixing the spGFN gradient by haneug in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/90
* Hamiltonian gradient: Avoid some repeated computations by marvinfriede in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/92
* Added new spin constants by benbaed in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/96, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/99
* Add support for spin polarization to Python and C API by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/117
* Simplify electronic entropy calculation by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/79
* Implementation of Charge-Extended Hückel method by marcelmbn and thfroitzheim in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/124, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/133, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/185, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/190, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/192
* Add bind(C) to callback function of context by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/127
* Add double dictionary by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/125, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/157, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/158
* Add C and python API calls for solvation by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/130
* Seperate exception module, add custom callback, add getter and setter to results by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/149
* Add error handling to callback API for logger by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/135
* Handle mismatching number of total and unpaired electron by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/151
* Add possibility to set all calculator parameters from ASE by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/150, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/160
* Add QCSchema support by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/152
* Adding post processing container by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/128
* Remove redundant empty results tests by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/174
* Python-interface: Loading spin-polarized quantities by pro7onmatrix in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/170
* Refactor `driver_guess` by marcelmbn in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/189
* Raise error for too heavy elements by marcelmbn in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/188
* adding symbols to atomic numbers conversion by V-Alizade in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/218
* Fix OMP memory leak in Coulomb matrix derivatives by pprcht in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/154
* Fix for integral transformation and diatomic frame overlap by thfroitzheim in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/186
* Fix memory leak behavior of tblite when using MKL as LAPACK and BLAS backend by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/173
* Fix real precisions by foxtran in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/204


* Add missing documentation for available matrices by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/102
* README: No longer highly experimental? :) by Andrew-S-Rosen in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/153
* Add parallel section to documentation by pitsteinbach in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/168, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/172
* Update tblite-guess.1.adoc by Albkat in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/177
* Fix code block rendering by marvinfriede in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/171


* Update CI by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/119
* Fix wheel workflow by marvinfriede in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/187
* Upgrade to TOML Fortran 0.4.0 by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/108
* Add config for RTD by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/141
* Format Python directory, apply isort, fixes by ruff by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/148
* Update CI to latest state by marcelmbn in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/196
* Add py.typed file to indicate support for type checkers by Andrew-S-Rosen in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/199
* Fix wheel workflow by marcelmbn in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/197
* Fix doc build by thfroitzheim in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/207
* Gradient of the electrostatics potential by thfroitzheim in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/193
* Update subproject versions in meson, cmake and fpm (simple-dftd3, dftd4, ...) by foxtran and thfroitzheim in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/209, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/210, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/212, https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/215

New Contributors

* Vahideh Alizadeh (V-Alizade) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/218
* Benedikt Bädorf (benbaed) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/96
* Thomas Froitzheim (thfroitzheim) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/133
* Igor Gerasimov (foxtran) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/204
* Albert Katbashev (Albkat) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/177
* Yannick Lemke (pro7onmatrix) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/170
* Marcel Müller (marcelmbn) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/124
* Hagen Neugebauer (haneug) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/90
* Philipp Pracht (pprcht) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/154
* Andrew Rosen (Andrew-S-Rosen) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/153
* Pit Steinbach (pitsteinbach) made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/127

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tblite/tblite/compare/v0.3.0...v0.4.0



* Fix finding of MKL for Intel 2021 and newer by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/50
* Build system maintenance by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/51
* Adds "angular-momenta" to Calculator class _getter dictionary by kvkarandashev in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/52
* Add verbosity option to C-API by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/54
* Add `--iterations <int>` as option by marvinfriede in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/55
* Add breathe for generating the documentation of the C bindings by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/58
* Adjust docstrings for processing with doxygen by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/61
* Deploy API documentation by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/62
* Add factory to create electronic solver instances by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/69
* Add contributing guidelines by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/72
* Document unit convention for electronic temperature by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/74
* Fix error in Born radii integration by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/75
* Propagate error in Broyden mixing up to SCF iterations by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/78
* Read .CHRG and .UHF from the same directory as input file by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/82
* Add abstract base class for electronic mixer by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/80
* Calculate Wiberg / Mayer bond orders by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/83
* Change documentation theme by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/85
* Add verbosity option to ASE Calculator by zyt0y in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/87
* Bump to version 0.3.0 by awvwgk in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/88

New Contributors

* kvkarandashev made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/52
* marvinfriede made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/55
* zyt0y made their first contribution in https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/87

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tblite/tblite/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0


Maintenance release with bug fixes and build system improvements.


* Improve option to select Python interpreter (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/38)
* Add option -fall-intrinsics for building tblite executable (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/39)
* Guard system headers from inclusion in CFFI processing (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/40)
* Support and test compilation on Windows (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/41)
* Minor build fixes (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/42)
* Add workflow for building wheels (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/43)
* Allow saving and exporting of integrals (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/44)
* Update to using meson-python (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/47)
* Release on PyPI (https://pypi.org/project/tblite/)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tblite/tblite/compare/v0.2.0...v0.2.1


Many thanks to Daniel Mejia-Rodriguez (dmejiar) for contributing to this release and integrating *tblite* in NWChem and Yuri Victorovich (yurivict) for packaging *tblite* for FreeBSD.


* Allow setting of electronegativities in parameter file (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/7)
* Update docs on DFTB+ integration and installation instructions (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/11)
* Support spin-polarization in xTB Hamiltonian (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/12)
* Implement DFTB γ-functional for electrostatics (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/14)
* Print Eint instead of Edisp (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/15)
* Update atomic charges before computing energies (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/16)
* Pass character length in callback logger C API (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/18)
* Update code documentation (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/19)
* Allow adjusting of module install subdirectory (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/10)
* Use standard spherical harmonics sorting (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/20)
* Update to CODATA 2018 (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/21)
* Add version check for CFFI builder hook (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/25)
* Implement solvation models (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/13)
* Improvements to C-API (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/27)
* Use atom-resolved energies (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/32)
* Implement EEQ guess (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/35)
* Update build process for Python bindings (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/34)
* Add color support for command line interface and API bindings (https://github.com/tblite/tblite/pull/37)

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tblite/tblite/compare/v0.1.0...v0.2.0


First release of the tblite library.

- support for GFN1-xTB, IPEA1-xTB and GFN2-xTB parametrization
- xTB Hamiltonian for molecular and 3D periodic boundary conditions (gamma only)
- basic parametrization data handling and optimization
- interface to C and Python



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