What's Changed
* Added information about basis set size by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/160
* Add support for removing virtual orbitals in ADF calculations by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/165
* Fixed an issue where the output of locally run jobs was not written to a file by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/163
* Added the ``occupations`` method for the ADFJob class by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/169
* Fixed an issue when writing molecules that do not have a comment attribute by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/175
* Added the ``electric_field method`` for the AMSJob class by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/173
* Add test for counting virtuals by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/171
Command-Line scripts
This currently supports concatenating loose IRC paths, setting up and running geometry optimizations and reading results from a calculation.
* Added command line script for concatening irc paths and geometry optimizations by SiebeLeDe in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/168
* Added command line script to read results from a calculation by YHordijk in https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/pull/178
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TheoChem-VU/TCutility/compare/v0.10.5...v0.11.0