What's Changed
* Save dynamics data by loganbvh in https://github.com/loganbvh/py-tdgl/pull/16
* Add autoscale option in `animate` by loganbvh in https://github.com/loganbvh/py-tdgl/pull/17
* Boundary conditions by loganbvh in https://github.com/loganbvh/py-tdgl/pull/18
* Use `numba` where possible to avoid allocation of large intermediate arrays
* Allow `psi != 0` on transport terminals
* Optimize dual mesh construction by loganbvh in https://github.com/loganbvh/py-tdgl/pull/20
* Significantly speeds up mesh generation for large meshes
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/loganbvh/py-tdgl/compare/v0.2.1...v0.3.0