The main change introduced in this release is support for tagging of potential transcriptional explanations with notBefore and notAfter attributes. If these attributes are present in a variation unit's transcriptional relations list, teiphy will now map the transcriptional relations to an EpochSubstitutionModel with a different substitution model for different slices of time. This feature is only supported for BEAST 2.7 XML outputs. This means that BEAST users can now model time-dependent transcriptional changes (like assimilation to later popular texts, paleographic confusions possible only for earlier or later scripts, etc.) more accurately.
A related change is the addition of more comprehensive rules for updating witness date ranges based on the date range of the work's composition (and vice-versa). This change affects age/date calibrations for NEXUS and BEAST 2.7 XML formats (including the MrBayes NEXUS input format).
This release also fixes an error that prevented the --verbose flag from working correctly.