
Latest version: v9.0.0

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**Breaking changes**

- temBoard agent v8 can't register to v8. Use `temboard register` or upgrade agent to v9.
temBoard UI v9 can still manage agent v8.

**Other changes**

- Postgres 17 support.
- ui: Fix deletion of host metrics when removing an instance of multi-instances host.
- ui: Remove support for 7.x agents.
- ui: Accept editing an offline instance.
- ui: Search for .config/temboard.conf.
- ui: Integrate pev2.
- agent: Recover admin shutdown, backend terminated, etc.
- Packages for Ubuntu 24.04 Noble.
- Remove python 2.7 support.
- Remove daemonization. Use nohup or systemd.
- Dropped pluging hotplug.
- Drop rhel7 and buster support, minimum versions are now 6.0.2 for tornado
and 1.3.2 for sqlalchemy.
- Fix error handling in agent plugins.


Released: 15 november 2023

- Fix package upgrade and remove on RHEL and DEB.
- ui: purge.sh does not requires PGHOST or PGUSER.


Released: 14 november 2023

!!! info "Multiple groups of instances and groups of users"

In temBoard 9.0, we plan to remove the ability to put an instance in several groups of instances
or a group of instances in several groups of users.

An instance will be attached to a single *Environment*
and each *Environment* will be administred by a single group of users.

temboard 8.2 warns you about instances and groups of instances matching these cases.
Read [GitHub issue 1283](https://github.com/dalibo/temboard/issues/1283) for details.

**Global changes**

- Packages postinst don't start stopped systemd units.
- Docker tag `snapshot` points to last build.
- Docker image latest and `8` points to last stable tag.
- Release packages for Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy.

**UI changes**

- Fix missing service file in debian package.
- Fix plugin list according to agent configuration when editing an instance.
- Fix garbled select when editing offline instance.
- Fix detection of running systemd in `auto_configure.sh`.
- Fix content for popover content in /pgconf/configuration page.
- Allow to edit unavailable instance.
- Configure Content-Security-Policy header.
- Drop public schema from temboard role search_path.
- Ignore psqlrc in `create_repository.sh`.
- Accept temboard-agent-register from v7 agent.
- Transparently drop unused agent key.
- Link to instance dahsboard from Instances settings.
- Warn pending restart of a PostgreSQL instance in UI.
- Warn outdated agent.
- Warn about instance in multiple groups of instance.
- Warn about group of instance in multiple groups of users.

**Agent changes**

- Limit activity response to 300 longest queries (also for blocking and waiting endpoints).


[Released](https://blog.dalibo.com/2023/09/11/temboard-8.1-en.html): 11 september 2023

**UI & Agent changes**

- Remove stretch from packages and CI
- Fix logging on light terminal.
- Pin minor version of Python dependency in debian packages.
- Remove dependency on distutils.
- Disable 3DES and other loose SSL algorithmes.
- Supports PostgreSQL 16.

**UI changes**

- Fix PGDATA always empty in CSV inventory.
- Export comment in CSV inventory.
- Unquote PGDATA from CSV inventory.
- Fix missing schema in upgrade script.
- Debian package now use system psycopg2.
- Fix restart of temBoard when upgrading package.
- Add user-agent in about page.
- Internalize deps without virtualenv on debian package.
- No longer displays UNDEF items.
- Check DB connectivity only for serve and web command.

**Agent changes**

- Accept hostname down to 1 char long.
- Fix monitoring probe when the OS release includes a + sign.
- Auto reconnect PostgreSQL on connection lost in statements and maintenance
- Improve displaying errors in log.


Released 14 november 2022.

!!! warning

temBoard UI 8.0 is compatible with temBoard agent 7.11 to ease migration.
Upgrade UI first and then upgrade agents one at a time.

temBoard agent 8 is **NOT** compatible with temBoard UI 7.11.

This release requires specific upgrade instructions.
See [Server Upgrade](server_upgrade.md) and [Agent Upgrade](agent_upgrade.md) for details.

**Breaking changes**

- temBoard UI dropped support for Internet Explorer 8. You may have issues with
browsers older than 5 years.
- Dropped support for PostgreSQL 9.5 and 9.4. For both UI and agent.
- Dropped key-only authentication on agent. Access to UI grants full access on managed agent.
- New CLI for both UI and agent. `temboard` and `temboard-agent` are the single CLI entrypoints.
- Removed `temboard --debug` CLI option.
- Dropped commands `temboard-agent-adduser` and `temboard-agent-password`.
- Commands `temboard-migratedb`, `temboard-agent-register` are moved as
subcommands of `temboard` and `temboard-agent`.
- temBoard UI dropped push-metrics handler from pre-6.0 push metric collect.
- temBoard UI RPM does not execute `auto_configure.sh` upon installation.
- temBoard UI RPM does not create `temboard` UNIX user. Use auto_configure.sh
- temBoard Agent RPM does not create `postgres` UNIX user. Use PostgreSQL packages instead.
- Packages does not provide logrotate configuration anymore. temBoard can still
log to file.
- pg_ctl agent parameter must **not** be quoted now, in temboard-agent.conf.
- Agent auto_configure.sh now requires a parameter: the UI url.
- temBoard agent does not provide legacy single-installation systemd unit file
`temboard-agent.service` in favor of `temboard-agent.service`.
- temBoard agent debian package does not provide legacy `temboard-agent.init`
SysV script. Use sytemd instead.
- temBoard agent auto_configure.sh now generates a single configuration file
instead of `temboard-agent.conf.d/auto.conf`.
- temBoard agent auto_configure.sh does not configure file logging anymore.
- Dropped temBoard agent HTTP endpoint `/monitoring/probe/*`, some
`/dashboard/` probes and more. Use `temboard routes` and `temboard-agent
routes` to inspect availables HTTP URLs.
- Docker image for agent now configures agent with `auto_configure.sh`.
temBoard agent configuration moved from `/etc/temboard-agent` to


- Running temBoard UI with Python 2.7 and Python 3.5 is deprecated. All RPM and
deb packages ships with Python 3.
- Debian stretch support is deprecated (EOL June 2022).

**New Features**

- PostgreSQL 15 support.
- Unified authentication. Signing in UI open full DBA access to agents, without
double login.
- Register instance without querying UI API using `temboard register-instance`.
- Download instance inventory as CSV.
- Automatically refresh introspection data from agent.
- New *About temBoard* page with detailed installation's informations.
- New *About instance* page with PostgreSQL, system and agent informations.
- OpenMetrics endpoint. Accessible using temBoard UI as authenticating proxy to
- RHEL9, Debian Bookworm (testing) packages.
- Increase agent OOM score with systemd.
- Restyled documentation with improved search and navigation.


- Each temBoard release has it's own docker tag. e.g. dalibo/temboard:8.0,
dalibo/temboard:8.0rc1, etc. See Docker Hub repositories [dalibo/temboard]
and [dalibo/temboard-agent].
- Streamlined docker images, basing on Debian Bullseye, with temBoard installed
with APT instead of pip.
- Restart scheduler and worker pool background processes on crash.
- Improved error logging. Log format is now Postgres-like.

[dalibo/temboard]: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dalibo/temboard
[dalibo/temboard-agent]: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dalibo/temboard-agent

**UI changes**

- Sign agent requests with an asymetric cryptographic key. New agent does not
require double authentification anymore.
- New command `temboard generate-key` for generating signing key.
- New database migration engine. Dropped dependency on Alembic, Mako, etc.
- Move `temboard-migratedb` as `temboard migratedb` subcommand.
- New command `temboard tasks flush` to flush old tasks when upgrading.
- Fast collect of monitoring and statements metrics upon agent registration.
- Format PostgreSQL start time in dashboard as relative date.
- temBoard UI waits for locks in monitoring collect. Abort long collect
task. New parameter `[monitoring] collect_max_duration`.
- temBoard UI now has API key authorization, use for /metrics proxy to agent.
- New temBoard UI parameter `[auth] allowed_ip` to restrict API Key
authorization. By default, only 127/8 is allowed.
- Improved refresh error handling in dashboard, activity and home page. Error
are now inlined instead of modal.
- temBoard UI now accept to serve plain HTTP. For development purpose.
- New commands `temboard query-agent`, `temboard routes`, `temboard tasks
run`, `temboard tasks schedule` and `temboard web` for debugging.
- Handle SIGCHLD in temboard UI too. No more zombies.
- Limit activity view to 300 longest queries.

**Agent changes**

- Unified authentification: agent now uses UI as source of identity.
- Dropped `users` file and related configuration.
- New command `temboard-agent fetch-key` to accept UI signing key.
- New option: `[temboard] ui_url`, pointing to UI URL.
- auto_configure.sh conditionnaly enable statements plugins.
- Move `temboard-agent-register` as `temboard-agent register` subcommand.
- New command `temboard-agent discover` to introspect temBoard agent, system
and PostgreSQL.
- Refresh discover data on startup and Postgres connection recovery.
- temBoard agent pools connections to PostgreSQL used by web API, reducing
connections stress on PostgreSQL.
- Heavily reduction of connection opened by dashboard.
- Drop agent configuration `postgresql:instance` in favor of Postgres
setting `cluster_name`.
- Add new unified sessions and detailed locks endpoint.
- temBoard agent now depends on cryptography and bottle.
- New subcommands `temboard-agent routes`, `temboard-agent tasks run` and
`temboard-agent web` for debugging.
- Monitoring purge_after default value is now set to 730 (2 years), it was empty
before (no limit).


Released on 2022-05-23

- Fix heap bloat probe.
- Fix statements not purged.
- Collect metrics by agent batch. Huge performance boost.
- Log HTTP request response time.
- Check agent key on registration.
- docker: New tag `7` for stable branch.
- docker: Reduce image size using multi-stage build.


- docker: Fix build.
- docker: Properly stop container on failure.

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