
Latest version: v1.6.0

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Safe Eviction

The internal eviction logic has been overhauled to make sure that asyncio tasks are completed before a workflow is removed from the cache and garbage collected. For all properly running workflows this should not cause any issues. However, workflows that may have been developed in invalid ways in the past could have a problem being evicted from cache and will log as such. Users should keep an eye out for logs when upgrading to this version.

Experimental Workflow Failure Type Customization

When a workflow raises an exception that wasn't `ApplicationError` or bubbled from a Temporal call (e.g. activity failure), it would be a "task failure" which puts the workflow in a suspended state retrying the task until a code fix is deployed. An experimental feature is now available that lets users set which exception types should instead fail the workflow instead of suspending it. Users can now set the per-workflow `failure_exception_types` on the `workflow.defn` decorator or set the worker-level `workflow_failure_exception_types` when creating the `Worker`. If an exception extends from one of these when raised, it will fail the workflow when raised.

HTTP CONNECT Proxy Support

Python clients now officially support HTTP CONNECT proxies. The `http_connect_proxy_config` argument can now be set when connecting a `Client`.

Worker Client Replacement

Workers can now have the client they use replaced without shutting down the worker. The `client` property on the `Worker` can be set to a different connected client. This is useful for users that need to change options like mTLS client certificate without worker downtime. The worker will not interrupt any polling calls but will start using the new client for subsequent calls.

API Key Client Option

If you use API keys in your Temporal server (i.e. `Bearer` tokens on `Authorization` headers), you can now set `api_key` when connecting a `Client` or set the `api_key` property on an existing client to update it.

Floats and Durations in Metrics

Users using `metric_meter()` directly to create metrics (off of runtime, activity, or workflow) can now create float-based histograms and gauges, and duration-based histograms. Similarly users using `MetricBuffer` to retrieve metrics can say how they want to retrieve durations (float seconds, int milliseconds, or `timedelta`). A `durations_as_seconds` option was added to telemetry options for users that prefer seconds as float-based durations to OpenTelemetry and Prometheus instead of the default of integer milliseconds.

Counting Workflows

A new `count_workflows` call has been added to the `Client` that takes the same query as `list_workflows` but is optimized just to perform counts.

:boom: Activity/Workflow `extra` on `LogRecord` Changed

Activity logs and workflow logs used to set `activity_info` and `workflow_info` on `LogRecord` respectively as the full info dataclasses by default. This was not usable by many third-party logging tools that can only work with `dict`s and not `dataclass`es. Therefore the default was changed to set `temporal_activity` and `temporal_workflow` on the respective log records to `dict`s of commonly needed information. `temporalio.activity.logger.full_activity_info_on_extra` and/or `temporalio.workflow.logger.full_workflow_info_on_extra` can be set to `True` to put those info entries back on `extra`.

This only affects those using advanced log handlers that leverage contextual state. The log messages themselves are unaffected.

Specific Changes

2024-03-04 - 477aa31 - Fix execute_child_workflow apidoc (483)
2024-03-13 - f3d1b85 - API key client option (486)
2024-03-26 - 36fe961 - Remove experimental flag from start_delay (492)
2024-04-01 - 13d18ca - Update core and add durations-as-seconds metric option (498)
2024-04-02 - b07e75e - Change default "extra" contents of activity/workflow logs (490)
2024-04-05 - 1001653 - HTTP CONNECT proxy support (501)
2024-04-05 - 466da16 - Safe Eviction (499)
2024-04-12 - b45447e - Add macOS ARM runner (506)
2024-04-12 - cf4c7cb - Ensure extra data on task fail logs (502)
2024-04-18 - 50c2033 - Support float and duration metrics (508)
2024-04-19 - ecd703d - Add Client.count_workflows (510)
2024-04-30 - 0bb94f8 - Ability for certain task failure types to fail workflow (516)
2024-05-03 - 0687151 - Worker client replacement (517)


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This is mostly a bug-fix and small-issue release. There are no large notable highlights.

Specific Changes

2024-01-10 - e3630ef - Fix line number in workflow.logger (460)
2024-01-11 - 0bff022 - Add `wheel` to dev-dependencies (457)
2024-01-12 - 10d099b - Fix typing of methods for pyright (461)
2024-01-12 - 4904054 - Add build id to workflow info (458)
2024-01-29 - 02a974c - Modularize gen-protos script (465)
2024-02-01 - 5fe85be - Prefix some errors with rule identifiers (464)
2024-02-02 - 50768df - Apply eviction before completing activation (466)
2024-02-13 - 8dce5b5 - Fix SingleParam types for pyright checking (471)
2024-02-14 - b0a7b4e - Flag MD5 as non-security related usage for FIPS compatibility (472)
2024-02-20 - 1cfdaa8 - Add workflow ID on not-found activity error message (428)
2024-02-22 - f31f927 - Ensure update input and responses are run through converters (478)
2024-02-27 - 73e832d - Update core, minor README/doc updates, and put delete-workflow on proper service (480)


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Drop Python 3.7 support

Python 3.7 is EOL and is not supported by this library. In addition, we also added CI to confirm 3.12 works properly.

Fix upserting new search attributes

Last release, a bug was introduced that caused an error when upserting search attributes that weren't set on start. This has been fixed.

Specific Changes

2023-11-16 - 06cfd03 - Drop Python 3.7 support, ensure 3.12 support, update dependencies, and implement asyncio.timeout (422)
2023-11-17 - 75e528b - Delete .github/workflows/semgrep.yml (431)
2023-11-27 - c47e3f1 - Enable Eager Workflow Start (430)
2023-11-30 - 6f966c7 - Fix bugs in upsert search attribs (440)


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Typed Search Attributes

Previously, search attributes were untyped dictionaries with string keys and list values. This causes ambiguity on what types a search attribute key represents and leads to errors. Also, the way search attributes were created or upserted allowed mistakes to occur and was not clear to the server exactly what was expected.

Among other classes, `temporalio.common.TypedSearchAttributes` and `temporalio.common.SearchAttributeKey` have been added. Search attributes are now best used by creating a global `SearchAttributeKey` (e.g. `SearchAttributeKey.for_int("my-key")`) and then referencing that key when getting or mutating search attributes. The `TypedSearchAttributes` collection (and `workflow.typed_search_attributes()`) should now be used when creating/accessing search attributes or a warning will emitted. Users should use the keys when accessing the collection or call `value_set` or `value_unset` on them to build update objects to pass to `temporalio.workflow.upsert_search_attributes` when upserting.

Advanced Metrics Support

Previously, metrics were generated and exposed from our Core layer in a way that made them neither reusable nor exportable in a flexible way. We have now both exposed the ability to record metrics via Core and to received buffered metrics from Core.

To record metrics via Core, we have exposed a `temporalio.common.MetricMeter` via `temporalio.activity.metric_meter()`, `temporalio.workflow.metric_meter()`, and `temporalio.runtime.Runtime.metric_meter`. This meter provides a limited interface to generate metrics. It is not meant to abstract everything one can do with a metric system and users are still encouraged to use their own metrics libraries as needed. The workflow metric meter is built to skip recording meters during replay.

To configure metrics in the SDK, a new runtime must be created with telemetry config. To capture metrics emitted by Core, `temporalio.runtime.TelemetryConfig.metrics` now accepts a `temporalio.runtime.MetricBuffer` instance. That same instance must then be used to call `retrieve_updates` on repeatedly and frequently to get metrics coming out of Core. These come as raw events that can then filtered and/or sent to any other metrics system of choice.

Log Forwarding from Core (experimental)

To configure Core logging in the SDK, a new runtime must be created with telemetry config. Previously, Core logs would be sent to the console which wasn't always desirable. Now, the `temporalio.runtime.LoggingConfig.forwarding` field can be set with a `temporalio.runtime.LogForwardingConfig` class which accepts a `logging.Logger` to send core logs to. This is currently experimental while we gather feedback.

Several Minor Additions

* `temporalio.workflow.Info.get_current_history_size()` added to get history size (`get_current_history_length()` was already present)
* `temporalio.workflow.Info.is_continue_as_new_suggested()` added to know whether server has suggested to continue as new
* Client keep alive enabled by default (30s interval, 15s timeout), configurable via `keep_alive_config` when connecting
* Added `start_delay` to `temporalio.client.Client.start_workflow` and `execute_workflow` to support delaying a workflow start
* Added experimental support for [workflow update](https://docs.temporal.io/workflows#update) which is only available in bleeding edge open source server environments


`ScheduleActionStartWorkflow.search_attributes` replaced with `ScheduleActionStartWorkflow.typed_search_attributes`

The rarely used `ScheduleActionStartWorkflow.search_attributes` has been replaced by `ScheduleActionStartWorkflow.typed_search_attributes` since that object is used in both directions and we can't determine user intent. Users using the old field name in either direction will see an exception immediately on client side (i.e. no behavior changes or accidental misuse). We also added an `untyped_search_attributes` field to this class to let untyped ones stay present on update.

Removed `temporalio.runtime.TelemetryConfig.tracing`

`temporalio.runtime.TelemetryConfig.tracing` and its associated class have been removed. This was not general purpose tracing, this was advanced tracing for debugging internal Core logc only and should not have been used by any users. All user-facing tracing remains untouched.

Specific Changes

2023-08-01 - 393e5c8 - Provide Span.Kind for TracingInterceptor (356)
2023-08-02 - 24fea4c - Expose history size and continue-as-new-suggested (361)
2023-08-02 - 63f63ae - Upgrade grcpio to 1.53.0 (359)
2023-08-07 - 59fbccf - Fix interceptors in testing environment (364)
2023-08-16 - 31358d1 - Add ignore_unknown_fields as an argument to JSONProtoPayloadConverter (365)
2023-08-24 - 40daaaa - Wait for activity completions on worker shutdown (370)
2023-08-31 - aa829d3 - Update core/tonic, update metric options, remove core tracing (380)
2023-09-25 - 3fade95 - Custom metric support (384)
2023-09-28 - d5edb71 - Fix logging of error on activation failure (389)
2023-10-05 - d03f356 - Buffered metrics (391)
2023-10-06 - ded3747 - Encourage threaded activities, warn when max_workers too low, and other small changes (387)
2023-10-09 - 00878ad - Client keep alive support (396)
2023-10-24 - 4242dfb - README updates and CI fixes (403)
2023-10-24 - 97814c2 - Workflow start delay (406)
2023-10-25 - 2c15ed3 - Workflow Update (400)
2023-10-30 - fd938c4 - Update last cleanup items (410)
2023-11-02 - 063b9bf - Update core to get bugfix (411)
2023-11-02 - 7c0a464 - Typed search attributes (366)
2023-11-06 - 4802d2f - Log forwarding support (413)
2023-11-06 - 6dbe2f4 - Fix docstring (414)
2023-11-07 - d6646a2 - Fix pyd file name for Windows (417)


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Dynamic Workflows, Activities, Signals, and Queries

`dynamic=True` can be added to `workflow.defn`, `activity.defn`, `workflow.signal`, and `workflow.query` to make them "dynamic". This means they are unnamed and are called if no other workflow/activity/signal/query match a name from the server when called. The workflow run or activity signature must be a single parameter typed with `Sequence[temporalio.common.RawValue]` whereas the signal or query signature must be two parameters typed with `str` and `Sequence[temporalio.common.RawValue]`. Signals and queries that used the old form of `dynamic=True` which didn't require specific signatures are deprecated and will emit a warning.

To support this we added `workflow.payload_converter()` and `activity.payload_converter()` functions to obtain a payload converter to convert raw values. We also added a `temporalio.common.RawValue` class which, when accepted or returned, will just use the raw payload (but it will still use codecs).

See the README for more information.

💥 NOTE: A slight behavior change was made to interceptors to support this. Previously, we would call signal/query interceptor and _then_ check if there was a valid signal/query with that name. Now we check that a valid signal/query handler exists before calling the interceptor. This should not effect most users.

Use Latest Temporal CLI Dev Server Instead of Temporalite

`temporalio.testing.WorkflowEnvironment.start_local` now uses the latest [Temporal CLI](https://github.com/temporalio/cli) release (which is up to date with latest server) instead of Temporalite. Any use of advanced, documented-experimental `temporalite_`-prefixed parameters should now use the `dev_server_`-prefixed ones.

Experimental Worker Versioning Support

Support has been added for the brand new [Worker Versioning](https://docs.temporal.io/workers#worker-versioning) feature. This feature is currently experimental and can only be enabled when running the open source server and setting some special options. Samples for the versioning feature will be present soon.

Schedules GA

The experimental tag for the scheduling API is removed.

General Improvements

* Can now set `result_type` when not using type-safe activity, child workflow, and query calls to get properly typed results (but users should always prefer the type-safe forms)
* We now eagerly error if an invalid workflow call is attempted inside a query. In some cases this may have technically worked before but is invalid and will now properly error.

Specific Changes

2023-05-31 - b0daaa3 - Create CODEOWNERS (323)
2023-06-06 - e1d983e - Add Semgrep scanning (324)
2023-06-16 - 6a3662c - Remove experimental tag for schedules and add limited action check (330)
2023-07-05 - 07b2043 - Update core and update Rust dependencies (337)
2023-07-05 - b75a567 - Allow converter failures to fail workflow and other minor things (329)
2023-07-06 - aff198b - Set result types for string-based activity, child workflow, and query calls (334)
2023-07-07 - 677f8be - Move from Temporalite to Temporal CLI dev server (339)
2023-07-10 - d7238cd - Worker Versioning (340)
2023-07-11 - 317dd9b - Add Versioning Intents to Commands (342)
2023-07-11 - b902ec8 - Swallow Python exceptions better on workflow GC from eviction (341)
2023-07-12 - 34681ca - Reachability type wasn't passed through all the way (343)
2023-07-14 - 83bbc36 - Dynamic workflows, activities, signals, and queries (346)
2023-07-17 - 60b72c6 - Link to Python SDK launch blog post (350)
2023-07-18 - a17c0ef - Disallow most workflow operations in read-only context (351)
2023-07-18 - b9df212 - Log and drop signals whose params can't be deserialized (and other error handling improvements) (349)


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No significant changes from previous version, mostly bug fixes.

Specific Changes

2023-03-30 - 4ad2e64 - Use CDN for README image, fixes 302 (308)
2023-03-30 - 61166af - Minor doc update (305)
2023-03-30 - 72bdca7 - Update core (307)
2023-03-30 - d790468 - Call JSON type converters recursively (304)
2023-04-03 - dbf96fd - Pass through global telemetry tags (303)
2023-05-01 - a4224a2 - Update core and release version (314)

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