
Latest version: v0.4.0.dev230202

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Set `tensorflow-cpu==2.10.0` as a hard dependency due to incompatibility with Keras 2.11's default optimizers.


- Improve TensorBoard profiling and capturing chrome traces
- Add support for `exponential_avg_factor != 1.0` in `FusedBatchNorm`
- Add an `int32` kernel registration for `Fill`


- Fix a crash in `InTopKV2` when `k` is bigger than the size of the axis dimension.


The Python packages are available as a PyPI release. To download the latest python package automatically, simply `pip install tensorflow-directml-plugin`.


- Upgrade the DirectML version to 1.9.1, which includes minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
- Add DirectML kernels for the `RngSkip` and `RngReadAndSkip` operators.
- Add DirectML kernels for the `StatelessRandomGetKeyCounterAlg`, `StatelessRandomGetKeyCounter` and `StatelessRandomGetAlg` operators.
- Add a DirectML kernel for `SparseApplyAdagrad`.
- Add a DirectML kernel for `StatelessRandomUniformV2`.
- Add a DirectML kernel for `InTopKV2`.
- Add DirectML kernels for `MatrixDiagV3` and `MatrixDiagPartV3`.
- Add emulated support for `int64`.
- Add a dependency on `tensorflow-cpu>=2.10.0`. Users should install the `tensorflow-cpu` package instead of `tensorflow` or `tensorflow-gpu` when using `tensorflow-directml-plugin`.
- Add `int32` support for `StridedSlice`.
- Add CPU emulated versions of `UnsortedSegmentSum`, `UnsortedSegmentMax`, `UnsortedSegmentMin` and `UnsortedSegmentProd` to get rid of device placement errors in transformer models.
- Add a C API for Linux. The C API can be downloaded from the [releases page](https://github.com/microsoft/tensorflow-directml-plugin/releases) in the `tensorflow-directml-plugin` GitHub repository.
- Add support for multiple devices.
- Add integer support for `Relu`.
- Add `int32` support for `Pack`.
- Fix the incomplete adapter description on Linux.
- Fix a crash in `ArgMin` and `ArgMax` when the output type was `int16` or `uint16`.
- Fix an undefined behavior when retrieving a list of strings from an attribute.
- Fix a memory leak in the BFC allocator.
- Fix a memory leak in the graph optimizer.
- Fix a memory leak in `SegmentReduction`.
- Fix a memory leak in `StridedSlice`.
- Fix a memory leak in the emulated random kernels.
- Fix the validation of `Range` to allow values near `INT_MAX`.
- Get rid of warnings related to unsupported `DataFormatDimMap` and `DataFormatVecPermute` operators.
- Prevent unbounded growth of command allocator memory.
- Optimize output allocation for inputs that can be executed in-place and directly forwarded to the output.
- Increase the available memory by allowing devices to allocate shared (nonlocal) memory.
- Improve the performance of the unsorted segment operators by batching GPU->CPU copies together.
- Increase the performance of emulated operators by reducing the number of eager context and eager ops creation.


The Python packages are available as a PyPI release. To download the latest python package automatically, simply `pip install tensorflow-directml-plugin`.

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