
Latest version: v2.16.1

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Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Updates `sqlite3` to `3.31.01` to handle
* Updates `curl` to `7.69.1` to handle
* Updates `libjpeg-turbo` to `2.0.4` to handle
* Updates Apache Spark to `2.4.5` to handle
* Fixes a versioning bug which causes Keras layers from TF 1.x to be used
instead of those from TF 2.x


Not secure
TensorFlow 2.1 will be the last TF release supporting Python 2. Python 2 support
[officially ends an January 1, 2020](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0373/#update).
[As announced earlier](https://groups.google.com/a/tensorflow.org/d/msg/announce/gVwS5RC8mds/dCt1ka2XAAAJ),
TensorFlow will also stop supporting Python 2 starting January 1, 2020, and no
more releases are expected in 2019.

Major Features and Improvements

* The `tensorflow` pip package now includes GPU support by default (same as
`tensorflow-gpu`) for both Linux and Windows. This runs on machines with and
without NVIDIA GPUs. `tensorflow-gpu` is still available, and CPU-only
packages can be downloaded at `tensorflow-cpu` for users who are concerned
about package size.
* **Windows users:** Officially-released `tensorflow` Pip packages are now
built with Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 in order to take advantage of the
new `/d2ReducedOptimizeHugeFunctions` compiler flag. To use these new
packages, you must install "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual
Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019", available from Microsoft's website
* This does not change the minimum required version for building
TensorFlow from source on Windows, but builds enabling
`EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE` can take over 48 hours to compile without this
flag. Refer to `configure.py` for more information about
`EIGEN_STRONG_INLINE` and `/d2ReducedOptimizeHugeFunctions`.
* If either of the required DLLs, `msvcp140.dll` (old) or `msvcp140_1.dll`
(new), are missing on your machine, `import tensorflow` will print a
warning message.
* The `tensorflow` pip package is built with CUDA 10.1 and cuDNN 7.6.
* `tf.keras`
* Experimental support for mixed precision is available on GPUs and Cloud
TPUs. See
[usage guide](https://www.tensorflow.org/guide/keras/mixed_precision).
* Introduced the `TextVectorization` layer, which takes as input raw
strings and takes care of text standardization, tokenization, n-gram
generation, and vocabulary indexing. See this
[end-to-end text classification example](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1RvCnR7h0_l4Ekn5vINWToI9TNJdpUZB3).
* Keras `.compile` `.fit` `.evaluate` and `.predict` are allowed to be
outside of the DistributionStrategy scope, as long as the model was
constructed inside of a scope.
* Experimental support for Keras `.compile`, `.fit`, `.evaluate`, and
`.predict` is available for Cloud TPUs, Cloud TPU, for all types of
Keras models (sequential, functional and subclassing models).
* Automatic outside compilation is now enabled for Cloud TPUs. This allows
`tf.summary` to be used more conveniently with Cloud TPUs.
* Dynamic batch sizes with DistributionStrategy and Keras are supported on
Cloud TPUs.
* Support for `.fit`, `.evaluate`, `.predict` on TPU using numpy data, in
addition to `tf.data.Dataset`.
* Keras reference implementations for many popular models are available in
the TensorFlow
[Model Garden](https://github.com/tensorflow/models/tree/master/official).
* `tf.data`
* Changes rebatching for `tf.data datasets` + DistributionStrategy for
better performance. Note that the dataset also behaves slightly
differently, in that the rebatched dataset cardinality will always be a
multiple of the number of replicas.
* `tf.data.Dataset` now supports automatic data distribution and sharding
in distributed environments, including on TPU pods.
* Distribution policies for `tf.data.Dataset` can now be tuned with 1.
`tf.data.experimental.AutoShardPolicy(OFF, AUTO, FILE, DATA)` 2.
`tf.data.experimental.ExternalStatePolicy(WARN, IGNORE, FAIL)`
* `tf.debugging`
* Add `tf.debugging.enable_check_numerics()` and
`tf.debugging.disable_check_numerics()` to help debugging the root
causes of issues involving infinities and `NaN`s.
* `tf.distribute`
* Custom training loop support on TPUs and TPU pods is available through
`strategy.experimental_run_v2`, `strategy.reduce`.
* Support for a global distribution strategy through
`tf.distribute.experimental_set_strategy(),` in addition to
* `TensorRT`
* [TensorRT 6.0](https://developer.nvidia.com/tensorrt#tensorrt-whats-new)
is now supported and enabled by default. This adds support for more
TensorFlow ops including Conv3D, Conv3DBackpropInputV2, AvgPool3D,
MaxPool3D, ResizeBilinear, and ResizeNearestNeighbor. In addition, the
TensorFlow-TensorRT python conversion API is exported as
* Environment variable `TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS` has been added. When set to
"true" or "1", this environment variable makes `tf.nn.bias_add` operate
deterministically (i.e. reproducibly), but currently only when XLA JIT
compilation is *not* enabled. Setting `TF_DETERMINISTIC_OPS` to "true" or
"1" also makes cuDNN convolution and max-pooling operate deterministically.
This makes Keras Conv\*D and MaxPool\*D layers operate deterministically in
both the forward and backward directions when running on a CUDA-enabled GPU.

Breaking Changes

* Deletes `Operation.traceback_with_start_lines` for which we know of no
* Removed `id` from `tf.Tensor.__repr__()` as `id` is not useful other than
internal debugging.
* Some `tf.assert_*` methods now raise assertions at operation creation time
if the input tensors' values are known at that time, not during the
`session.run()`. This only changes behavior when the graph execution would
have resulted in an error. When this happens, a noop is returned and the
input tensors are marked non-feedable. In other words, if they are used as
keys in `feed_dict` argument to `session.run()`, an error will be raised.
Also, because some assert ops don't make it into the graph, the graph
structure changes. A different graph can result in different per-op random
seeds when they are not given explicitly (most often).
* The following APIs are not longer experimental:
`tf.config.list_logical_devices`, `tf.config.list_physical_devices`,
`tf.config.get_visible_devices`, `tf.config.set_visible_devices`,
* `tf.config.experimentalVirtualDeviceConfiguration` has been renamed to
* `tf.config.experimental_list_devices` has been removed, please use

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* `tf.data`
* Fixes concurrency issue with `tf.data.experimental.parallel_interleave`
with `sloppy=True`.
* Add `tf.data.experimental.dense_to_ragged_batch()`.
* Extend `tf.data` parsing ops to support `RaggedTensors`.
* `tf.distribute`
* Fix issue where GRU would crash or give incorrect output when a
`tf.distribute.Strategy` was used.
* `tf.estimator`
* Added option in `tf.estimator.CheckpointSaverHook` to not save the
* Moving the checkpoint reader from swig to pybind11.
* `tf.keras`
* Export `depthwise_conv2d` in `tf.keras.backend`.
* In Keras Layers and Models, Variables in `trainable_weights`,
`non_trainable_weights`, and `weights` are explicitly deduplicated.
* Keras `model.load_weights` now accepts `skip_mismatch` as an argument.
This was available in external Keras, and has now been copied over to
* Fix the input shape caching behavior of Keras convolutional layers.
* `Model.fit_generator`, `Model.evaluate_generator`,
`Model.predict_generator`, `Model.train_on_batch`,
`Model.test_on_batch`, and `Model.predict_on_batch` methods now respect
the `run_eagerly` property, and will correctly run using `tf.function`
by default. Note that `Model.fit_generator`, `Model.evaluate_generator`,
and `Model.predict_generator` are deprecated endpoints. They are
subsumed by `Model.fit`, `Model.evaluate`, and `Model.predict` which now
support generators and Sequences.
* `tf.lite`
* Legalization for `NMS` ops in TFLite.
* add `narrow_range` and `axis` to `quantize_v2` and `dequantize` ops.
* Added support for `FusedBatchNormV3` in converter.
* Add an `errno`-like field to `NNAPI` delegate for detecting `NNAPI`
errors for fallback behaviour.
* Refactors `NNAPI` Delegate to support detailed reason why an operation
is not accelerated.
* Converts hardswish subgraphs into atomic ops.
* Other
* Critical stability updates for TPUs, especially in cases where the XLA
compiler produces compilation errors.
* TPUs can now be re-initialized multiple times, using
* Add `RaggedTensor.merge_dims()`.
* Added new `uniform_row_length` row-partitioning tensor to
* Add `shape` arg to `RaggedTensor.to_tensor`; Improve speed of
* `tf.io.parse_sequence_example` and `tf.io.parse_single_sequence_example`
now support ragged features.
* Fix `while_v2` with variables in custom gradient.
* Support taking gradients of V2 `tf.cond` and `tf.while_loop` using
* Fix bug where `vectorized_map` failed on inputs with unknown static
* Add preliminary support for sparse CSR matrices.
* Tensor equality with `None` now behaves as expected.
* Make calls to `tf.function(f)()`, `tf.function(f).get_concrete_function`
and `tf.function(f).get_initialization_function` thread-safe.
* Extend `tf.identity` to work with CompositeTensors (such as
* Added more `dtypes` and zero-sized inputs to `Einsum` Op and improved
its performance
* Enable multi-worker `NCCL` `all-reduce` inside functions executing
* Added complex128 support to `RFFT`, `RFFT2D`, `RFFT3D`, `IRFFT`,
`IRFFT2D`, and `IRFFT3D`.
* Add `pfor` converter for `SelfAdjointEigV2`.
* Add `tf.math.ndtri` and `tf.math.erfinv`.
* Add `tf.config.experimental.enable_mlir_bridge` to allow using MLIR
compiler bridge in eager model.
* Added support for MatrixSolve on Cloud TPU / XLA.
* Added `tf.autodiff.ForwardAccumulator` for forward-mode autodiff
* Add `LinearOperatorPermutation`.
* A few performance optimizations on `tf.reduce_logsumexp`.
* Added multilabel handling to `AUC` metric
* Optimization on `zeros_like`.
* Dimension constructor now requires `None` or types with an `__index__`
* Add `tf.random.uniform` microbenchmark.
* Use `_protogen` suffix for proto library targets instead of
`_cc_protogen` suffix.
* Moving the checkpoint reader from `swig` to `pybind11`.
* `tf.device` & `MirroredStrategy` now supports passing in a
* If you're building Tensorflow from source, consider using
[bazelisk](https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazelisk) to automatically
download and use the correct Bazel version. Bazelisk reads the
`.bazelversion` file at the root of the project directory.

Thanks to our Contributors

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as:

8bitmp3, Aaron Ma, AbdüLhamit Yilmaz, Abhai Kollara, aflc, Ag Ramesh, Albert Z.
Guo, Alex Torres, amoitra, Andrii Prymostka, angeliand, Anshuman Tripathy,
Anthony Barbier, Anton Kachatkou, Anubh-V, Anuja Jakhade, Artem Ryabov, autoih,
Bairen Yi, Bas Aarts, Basit Ayantunde, Ben Barsdell, Bhavani Subramanian, Brett
Koonce, candy.dc, Captain-Pool, caster, cathy, Chong Yan, Choong Yin Thong,
Clayne Robison, Colle, Dan Ganea, David Norman, David Refaeli, dengziming, Diego
Caballero, Divyanshu, djshen, Douman, Duncan Riach, EFanZh, Elena Zhelezina,
Eric Schweitz, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Fei Hu, fo40225, Fred Reiss, Frederic
Bastien, Fredrik Knutsson, fsx950223, fwcore, George Grzegorz Pawelczak, George
Sterpu, Gian Marco Iodice, Giorgio Arena, giuros01, Gomathi Ramamurthy, Guozhong
Zhuang, Haifeng Jin, Haoyu Wu, HarikrishnanBalagopal, HJYOO, Huang Chen-Yi,
Ilham Firdausi Putra, Imran Salam, Jared Nielsen, Jason Zaman, Jasper Vicenti,
Jeff Daily, Jeff Poznanovic, Jens Elofsson, Jerry Shih, jerryyin, Jesper
Dramsch, jim.meyer, Jongwon Lee, Jun Wan, Junyuan Xie, Kaixi Hou, kamalkraj, Kan
Chen, Karthik Muthuraman, Keiji Ariyama, Kevin Rose, Kevin Wang, Koan-Sin Tan,
kstuedem, Kwabena W. Agyeman, Lakshay Tokas, latyas, Leslie-Fang-Intel, Li,
Guizi, Luciano Resende, Lukas Folle, Lukas Geiger, Mahmoud Abuzaina, Manuel
Freiberger, Mark Ryan, Martin Mlostek, Masaki Kozuki, Matthew Bentham, Matthew
Denton, mbhuiyan, mdfaijul, Muhwan Kim, Nagy Mostafa, nammbash, Nathan Luehr,
Nathan Wells, Niranjan Hasabnis, Oleksii Volkovskyi, Olivier Moindrot, olramde,
Ouyang Jin, OverLordGoldDragon, Pallavi G, Paul Andrey, Paul Wais, pkanwar23,
Pooya Davoodi, Prabindh Sundareson, Rajeshwar Reddy T, Ralovich, Kristof,
Refraction-Ray, Richard Barnes, richardbrks, Robert Herbig, Romeo Kienzler, Ryan
Mccormick, saishruthi, Saket Khandelwal, Sami Kama, Sana Damani, Satoshi Tanaka,
Sergey Mironov, Sergii Khomenko, Shahid, Shawn Presser, ShengYang1, Siddhartha
Bagaria, Simon Plovyt, skeydan, srinivasan.narayanamoorthy, Stephen Mugisha,
sunway513, Takeshi Watanabe, Taylor Jakobson, TengLu, TheMindVirus, ThisIsIsaac,
Tim Gates, Timothy Liu, Tomer Gafner, Trent Lo, Trevor Hickey, Trevor Morris,
vcarpani, Wei Wang, Wen-Heng (Jack) Chung, wenshuai, Wenshuai-Xiaomi, wenxizhu,
william, William D. Irons, Xinan Jiang, Yannic, Yasir Modak, Yasuhiro Matsumoto,
Yong Tang, Yongfeng Gu, Youwei Song, Zaccharie Ramzi, Zhang, Zhenyu Guo, 王振华
(Zhenhua Wang), 韩董, 이중건 Isaac Lee


Not secure
Note that this is the last patch release for the TensorFlow 2.0.x series.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Fixes an access to unitialized memory in Eigen code
* Fixes a security vulnerability caused by lack of validation in
`tf.raw_ops.DataFormatVecPermute` and `tf.raw_ops.DataFormatDimMap`
* Fixes a vulnerability caused by attempting to write to immutable memory
region in `tf.raw_ops.ImmutableConst`
* Fixes a `CHECK`-fail in LSTM with zero-length input
* Fixes a security vulnerability caused by accessing heap data outside of
bounds when loading a specially crafted `SavedModel`
* Updates `libjpeg-turbo` to `2.0.5` to handle
* Updates `junit` to `4.13.1` to handle
* Updates `PCRE` to `8.44` to handle
* Updates `sqlite3` to `3.44.0` to keep in sync with master branch.


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Fixes an undefined behavior causing a segfault in `tf.raw_ops.Switch`
* Fixes three vulnerabilities in conversion to DLPack format
* Fixes two vulnerabilities in `SparseFillEmptyRowsGrad`
* Fixes an integer truncation vulnerability in code using the work sharder API
* Fixes a format string vulnerability in `tf.strings.as_string`
* Fixes segfault raised by calling session-only ops in eager mode
* Fixes data leak and potential ASLR violation from `tf.raw_ops.StringNGrams`
* Fixes segfaults caused by incomplete `SavedModel` validation
* Fixes a data corruption due to a bug in negative indexing support in TFLite
* Fixes a data corruption due to dimension mismatch in TFLite
* Fixes several vulnerabilities in TFLite saved model format
* Updates `sqlite3` to `3.33.00` to handle
* Pins `numpy` to 1.18.5 to prevent ABI breakage when compiling code that uses
both NumPy and TensorFlow headers.


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Updates `sqlite3` to `3.31.01` to handle
* Updates `curl` to `7.69.1` to handle
* Updates `libjpeg-turbo` to `2.0.4` to handle
* Updates Apache Spark to `2.4.5` to handle


Not secure
Bug Fixes and Other Changes

* Fixes a security vulnerability where converting a Python string to a
`tf.float16` value produces a segmentation fault
* Updates `curl` to `7.66.0` to handle
* Updates `sqlite3` to `3.30.01` to handle

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