
Latest version: v1.1.0

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What's Changed

- UX improvements in webapp (redesigned reservation schedule component, calendar refreshing, highlighting of current users reservations, saving watches in local storage)
- commandline UX improvements
- showing GPU IDs in violation messages
- using local time in reservation dates
- CLI commands for connection testing and displaying TH public SSH key
- handling missing SSH keys
- updated configuration guides
- allowing custom API URLs
- vulnerable dependency version bumps
- improved README with new screenshots
- various bugfixes

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.3...0.3.1


Not secure
What's Changed

The 0.3 version introduces task scheduling module, which allows for:
- easy defining computational tasks in the web application, using templates with variable placeholders
- automatic spawning tasks on the assigned computational devices
- viewing task logs in the web application
- easy terminating and killing a task or group of tasks
- attaching terminal to a running task using screen
- scheduling tasks to a given time slot
- linking tasks to a specific reservation

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.2.4...0.3


Not secure
What's Changed

- added user registration through adding generated RSA key to authorized_keys
- added separate intruder/admin timer in mailbot, improved mailbot logic
- fixed bug in reservation statistics which resulted in no statistics shown and not hiding statistic files
- fixed lack of calendar refreshing after reservation cancelling
- fixed refresh token handling in webapp
- UX improvements: button sizes, datetime string conversion, default values to inputs, calendar refreshing, confirmation button in reservation datetime picker, add version information
- added mypy code checks and flake8, also for test code

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.2.3...0.2.4


Not secure
What's Changed

- mailbot handler for reservation protection service
- basic reservation usage statistics
- vertical calendar view in webapp
- reservation and user edition dialogs in webapp
- bugfixes and minor improvements

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.2.2...0.2.3


Not secure
What's Changed

The 0.2.2 release with monitoring and reservation modules.

New Contributors
* szarakawka made their first contribution in https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/pull/71

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.2.1...0.2.2


What's Changed

The 0.2.1 pre-release with basic monitoring module.

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/roscisz/TensorHive/compare/0.2...0.2.1

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