Features: - Implement `iou_1d` in `tensorneko.evaluation.metrics` to calculate 1D IOU score for multiple proposals to multiple labels.
Fix: - Fix subtitles in web watcher loggers - Fix the shape input in video writer
Features: - Add unpack support for `audio_data` and `video_data` - Add default call for readers - Add `Conv1d`, `Conv3d`, `Aggregation` and `Stack` - Add `padding_video`, `padding_audio` - Add `Server` for tensorboard. Add `with` keyword support for servers.
Features: - Add `Image` class for web watcher display images. - Add `json_data` for parsing JSON to class. Use `cls` argument in `tensorneko.io.read.text.of_json`. - Add `Seed` class for manually setting seeds to ensure reproducibility.
Fix: - Variable watcher feature should work fine now. - Refactor the implementation of web variable watcher. - Change module name `web` to `watcher`.
Features: - new module `tensorneko.visualization.web` for variable watching as web server.
Features: - Add writers for image, video, audio, text as `tensorneko.io.write` - Now the `tensorneko.io.read.text.of_json` can use `to_df` argument to return pandas `DataFrame`