
Latest version: v10.0.1

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Key Features and Updates:

- Samples changes
- Added a [sample](samples/python/sample_weight_stripping) showcasing weight-stripped engines.
- Added a [sample](samples/python/python_plugin/circ_pad_plugin_multi_tactic.py) demonstrating the use of custom tactics with IPluginV3.
- Added a [sample](samples/sampleNonZeroPlugin) to showcase plugins with data-dependent output shapes, using IPluginV3.
- Parser changes
- Added a new class `IParserRefitter` that can be used to refit a TensorRT engine with the weights of an ONNX model.
- `kNATIVE_INSTANCENORM` is now set to ON by default.
- Added support for `IPluginV3` interfaces from TensorRT.
- Added support for `INT4` quantization.
- Added support for the `reduction` attribute in `ScatterElements`.
- Added support for `wrap` padding mode in `Pad`
- Plugin changes
- A [new plugin](plugin/scatterElementsPlugin) has been added in compliance with [ONNX ScatterElements](https://github.com/onnx/onnx/blob/main/docs/Operators.md#ScatterElements).
- The TensorRT plugin library no longer has a load-time link dependency on cuBLAS or cuDNN libraries.
- All plugins which relied on cuBLAS/cuDNN handles passed through `IPluginV2Ext::attachToContext()` have moved to use cuBLAS/cuDNN resources initialized by the plugin library itself. This works by dynamically loading the required cuBLAS/cuDNN library. Additionally, plugins which independently initialized their cuBLAS/cuDNN resources have also moved to dynamically loading the required library. If the respective library is not discoverable through the library path(s), these plugins will not work.
- bertQKVToContextPlugin: Version 2 of this plugin now supports head sizes less than or equal to 32.
- reorgPlugin: Added a version 2 which implements IPluginV2DynamicExt.
- disentangledAttentionPlugin: Fixed a kernel bug.
- Demo changes
- HuggingFace demos have been removed. For all users using TensorRT to accelerate Large Language Model inference, please use [TensorRT-LLM](https://github.com/NVIDIA/TensorRT-LLM/).
- Updated tooling
- Polygraphy v0.49.9
- ONNX-GraphSurgeon v0.5.1
- TensorRT Engine Explorer v0.1.8
- Build Containers
- RedHat/CentOS 7.x are no longer officially supported starting with TensorRT 10.0. The corresponding container has been removed from TensorRT-OSS.


Key Features and Updates:

- Demo changes
- Faster Text-to-image using SDXL & INT8 quantization using AMMO
- Updated tooling
- Polygraphy v0.49.7


Key Features and Updates:

- `trtexec` enhancement: Added `--weightless` flag to mark the engine as weightless.
- Parser changes
- Added support for Hardmax operator.
- Changes to a few operator importers to ensure that TensorRT preserves the precision of operations when using strongly typed mode.
- Plugin changes
- Explicit INT8 support added to `bertQKVToContextPlugin`.
- Various bug fixes.
- Updated HuggingFace demo to use transformers v4.31.0 and PyTorch v2.1.0.


Key Features and Updates:

- Update the [trt_python_plugin](samples/python/python_plugin) sample.
- Python plugins API reference is part of the offical TRT Python API.
- Added samples demonstrating the usage of the progress monitor API.
- Check [sampleProgressMonitor](samples/sampleProgressMonitor) for the C++ sample.
- Check [simple_progress_monitor](samples/python/simple_progress_monitor) for the Python sample.
- Remove dependencies related to python<3.8 in python samples as we no longer support python<3.8 for python samples.
- Demo changes
- Added LAMBADA dataset accuracy checks in the [HuggingFace](demo/HuggingFace) demo.
- Enabled structured sparsity and FP8 quantized batch matrix multiplication(BMM)s in attention in the [NeMo](demo/NeMo) demo.
- Replaced deprecated APIs in the [BERT](demo/BERT) demo.
- Updated tooling
- Polygraphy v0.49.1


Key Features and Updates:

- TensorRT plugin autorhing in Python is now supported
- See the [trt_python_plugin](samples/python/python_plugin) sample for reference.
- Updated default CUDA version to 12.2
- Support for BLIP models, Seq2Seq and Vision2Seq abstractions in HuggingFace demo.
- demoDiffusion refactoring and SDXL enhancements
- Additional validation asserts for NV Plugins
- Updated tooling
- TensorRT Engine Explorer v0.1.7: graph rendering for TensorRT 9.0 `kgen` kernels
- ONNX-GraphSurgeon v0.3.29
- PyTorch quantization toolkit v2.2.0


Key Features and Updates:

- Added the NeMo demo to demonstrate the performance benefit of using E4M3 FP8 data type with the GPT models trained with the [NVIDIA NeMo Toolkit](https://github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo) and [TransformerEngine](https://github.com/NVIDIA/TransformerEngine).
- Demo Diffusion updates
- Added SDXL 1.0 txt2img pipeline
- Added ControlNet pipeline
- Huggingface demo updates
- Added Flan-T5, OPT, BLOOM, BLOOMZ, GPT-Neo, GPT-NeoX, Cerebras-GPT support with accuracy check
- Refactored code and extracted common utils into Seq2Seq class
- Optimized shape-changing overhead and achieved a >30% e2e performance gain
- Added stable KV-cache, beam search and fp16 support for all models
- Added dynamic batch size TRT inference
- Added uneven-length multi-batch inference with attention_mask support
- Added `chat` command – interactive CLI
- Upgraded PyTorch and HuggingFace version to support Hopper GPU
- Updated notebooks with much simplified demo API.

- Added two new TensorRT samples: sampleProgressMonitor (C++) and simple_progress_reporter (Python) that are examples for using Progress Monitor during engine build.
- The following plugins were deprecated:
- ``BatchedNMS_TRT``
- ``BatchedNMSDynamic_TRT``
- ``BatchTilePlugin_TRT``
- ``Clip_TRT``
- ``CoordConvAC``
- ``CropAndResize``
- ``EfficientNMS_ONNX_TRT``
- ``CustomGeluPluginDynamic``
- ``LReLU_TRT``
- ``NMSDynamic_TRT``
- ``NMS_TRT``
- ``Normalize_TRT``
- ``Proposal``
- ``SingleStepLSTMPlugin``
- ``SpecialSlice_TRT``
- ``Split``

- Ubuntu 18.04 has reached end of life and is no longer supported by TensorRT starting with 9.0, and the corresponding Dockerfile(s) have been removed.
- Support for aarch64 builds will not be available in this release, and the corresponding Dockerfiles have been removed.

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