
Latest version: v0.4.13

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⚠️ Interface

<summary>Module interfaces has been renamed to interface (293)</summary>


<summary>Removed ReactionInfo from data interface (294)</summary>

Removes AmpForm/QRules's `ReactionInfo` from the main `interface`. This makes `generate_phsp` and `generate_data` a bit more clumsy in usage, but the benefit is that `ampform` is not imported into TensorWaves's `interface` module.


<summary>Remove physics module (299)</summary>

Use [`HelicityModel.sum_components`](https://ampform.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/ampform.helicity.html#ampform.helicity.HelicityModel.sum_components) instead.


<summary>TensorWaves now requires AmpForm v0.10.x (296)</summary>


🔨 Internal maintenance

<summary>Switched to type alias ParameterValue where possible (291)</summary>

Using type alias `ParameterValue` where possible instead of `Union[...]`.


📝 Documentation

<summary>AIC and BIC example provided in documentation (291)</summary>


<summary>Documentation now shows how to generate a deterministic sample (295)</summary>

Show how to generate a deterministic data and phase space sample in step 2 of the documentation.






📝 Documentation

<summary>Refer to compwa-org for contributing (309)</summary>

See https://github.com/ComPWA/PWA-pages/pull/111



_See all documentation for this version [here](https://tensorwaves.rtfd.io/en/0.4.13)._

✨ New features

- implement `git_friendly` flag for `YAMLSummary` callback (540)

⚠️ API changes

- change to Apache license (529)
- define dev dependencies as dependency groups (535)

🔨 Maintenance

- update pip constraints and pre-commit (526)
- update pip constraints and pre-commit (528)
- test package on Python 3.12 (506)
- update pip constraints and pre-commit (530)
- autoupdate constraints and pre-commit config (532)
- drop Python 3.8 support due to EOL (534)
- define developer environment with `uv` (533)
- define dev dependencies as dependency groups (535)
- update lock files (536)
- update lock files (537)
- update lock files (538)
- update lock files (539)

🖱️ Developer Experience

- define developer environment with `uv` (533)
- define dev dependencies as dependency groups (535)
- update lock files (539)

_The full changelog as commits can be found [here](https://github.com/ComPWA/tensorwaves/compare/0.4.12...0.4.13)._

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