**Yaks all the way down.**
- Add ds18x20 lib
- Implement DS and HX sensors using ``AbstractSensor``
- ds18x20: Add reading multiple sensors
- Populate SensorManager, add bus management, add OneWireBus
- SensorManager: Make ds18x20 use OneWire-Bus through ``AbstractBus``
- ds18x20: fix runtime issues, resetting OneWire before scanning for devices
- Little cleanup
- SensorManager
- Add bus driver for i2c and onewire buses
- Settings: add buses to (sensor-)settings
- Convention: Bus address ``<BUS_FAMILY>:<BUS_NUMBER>``
- Makefile|libs:
- Add bme280, Pycoproc, Quectel L76 GNSS library (Pytrack Board)
- Add Pytrack Board Library, Pytrack Board Accelerator
- SensorManager
- Add bus to sensor registry
- Add bme280 (humidity, temperature, pressure)
- Add i2c bus
- Cleanups
- Compensate for missing ``_onewire`` package, maybe on older firmwares
- Move acquire_bus to ``AbstractSensor``
- Fix I2C pin propagation
- Add Pytrack sensor
- Don't croak on failures
- Fix HX711 pin wiring
- Move Pytrack sensor to ratrack namespace
- Add Pytrack Quectel L76 GNSS sensor
- Makefile: cleanup (rm old DS18X20 lib)
- settings|sensor: add TODO: "i2c-address -> settings -> sensor"
- settings|sensor: add TODO: "i2c-address -> settings -> sensor"
- Sensors: naming, (WIP!) hardcoded proposal for naming (see bme280)
- Add Pytrack support
- Moar sensors
- Add appropriate logging
- Improve LoRa subsystem
- Improve logging, code cosmetics
- Add "make clean" target
- Enable all sensors
- Improve bus registration
- Improve BME280 readings
- Improve documentation
- Update documentation
- Add LoRaWAN/TTN telemetry with CayenneLPP
- Start WiFi before LoRaWAN
- Reduce logging noise
- Improve sandbox, documentation and naming things
- Update documentation
- Remove main.py.dist again
- Improve automatic sensor field naming
- Improve example settings
- Improve logging all over the place
- Upgrade to rshell 0.0.21
- Use “device_id” as part of the MQTT “client_id”
- Fix telemetry success signalling
- Cleanup
- Improve network/telemetry error handling, robustness
and convenience for WiFi and MQTT connectivity
- Improve logging
- Update documentation
- Improve reporting about which telemetry targets succeeded