
Latest version: v0.4.2

Safety actively analyzes 665814 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* improved cli docs (77)
* delay window creation (84)
* darken background when adding overlay (83)
* wait for window to be closed (79)
* added video support (76)
* fixed draw mask not shown without overlay (75)
* added mypy linting (73)
* renamed resnet50 model path constants (72)
* added reference to layered vision (59)
* various library upgrades


* added docker image (58)
* [Security] Bump tensorflow from 2.3.1 to 2.4.0 (57)
* other dependency bumps


* added tflite support (experimental) (40)
* fixed download models on windows (47)


* fixed predict with certain image resolution (45)
* added resize_method parameter (42)
* fixed readme python example referring to a renamed method (35)
* added optional --source-threaded (34)
* added --source-fps argument (33)
* added optional --mask-cache-time (32)
* various dependency bumps


* fixed resnet urls (31)


* added project goals to readme (30)
* added TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL to cli (29)
* renamed image-to-mask to draw-mask (28)
* added blur-background (27)
* fixed bgr to rgb color conversion (25)
* added list-models CLI sub command (24)

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