* Provided the SQL query ability for Apache Arrow RecordBatch. It's not available under Windows.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `protobuf>=3.13,<4`. * Upgraded the protobuf (com_google_protobuf) to `3.13.0`. * Upgraded the bazel_skylib to `1.0.2` due to the upgrading of protobuf. * Depends on `tensorflow-metadata>=1.1,<1.2`. * More documentation is added for the SequenceExample decoder. It's available at `tfx_bsl/coders/README.md`.
Breaking Changes
* The minimum required OS version for the macOS is 10.14 now.
* N/A
Major Features and Improvements
* N/A
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `apache-beam[gcp]>=2.29,<3`. * Depends on `tensorflow>=1.15.2,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,<3`. * Depends on `tensorflow-serving-api>=1.15,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,!=2.4.*,<3`. * Depends on `tensorflow-metadata>=1.0,<1.1`.
Breaking Changes
* N/A
* N/A
Major Features and Improvements
* Misra-Gries sketch: added support for replacing large string blobs with a configurable placeholder, and replacing invalid utf-8 sequences with a configurable placeholder.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `tensorflow-metadata>=0.30,<0.31`.
Breaking Changes
* Removed `tfx_bsl.beam.shared`. It is now available in Apache Beam. Use `apache_beam.utils.shared` instead.
* N/A
Major Features and Improvements
* Add RawRecordTensorFlowDataset interface to record based tfxios. * TensorToArrowConverter now can handle generic SparseTensors (>=3-d). * Added `RecordToTensorTFXIO.DecodeFunction()` to get the decoder as a TF function.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `absl-py>=0.9,<0.13`. * Depends on `tensorflow-metadata>=0.29,<0.30`. * Bumped the mininum bazel version required to build `tfx_bsl` to 3.7.2.
Breaking Changes
* N/A
* N/A
Major Features and Improvements
* N/A
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `apache-beam[gcp]>=2.28,<3`.
Breaking Changes
* N/A
* N/A
Major Features and Improvements
* RunInference can now be applied on serialized tf.train.{Example, SequenceExample} for all methods as well as any other kind of serialized structure for the Predict method. * RunInference can now operate on PCollection[K, V] in a key-forwarding mode (whereby the key is left unchanged while inference is performed on the value). * RunInference is now more performant.
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Depends on `numpy>=1.16,<1.20`. * Depends on `tensorflow-metadata>=0.28,<0.29`.