Major Features and Improvements
* Updated the `tfx.components.evaluator.Evaluator` component to support
[TFMA's "model-agnostic" evaluation](
The `model` channel is now optional when constructing the component, which
is useful when the `examples` channel provides tf.Examples containing both
the labels and pre-computed model predictions, i.e. "model-agnostic"
* Supports different types of quantizations on TFLite conversion using
TFLITE_REWRITER by setting `quantization_optimizations`,
`quantization_supported_types` and `quantization_enable_full_integer`. Flag
definitions can be found here: [Post-traning
* Added automatic population of `tfdv.StatsOptions.vocab_paths` when computing
statistics within the Transform component.
Breaking changes
For pipeline authors
* `enable_quantization` from TFLITE_REWRITER is removed and setting
quantization_optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT] will perform the
same type of quantization, dynamic range quantization. Users of the
TFLITE_REWRITER who do not enable quantization should be uneffected.
* Default value for `infer_feature_shape` for SchemaGen changed from `False`
to `True`, as indicated in previous release log. The inferred schema might
change if you do not specify `infer_feature_shape`. It might leads to
changes of the type of input features in Transform and Trainer code.
For component authors
* N/A
* Pipeline information is not be stored on the local filesystem anymore using
Kubeflow Pipelines orchestration with CLI. Instead, CLI will always use the
latest version of the pipeline in the Kubeflow Pipeline cluster. All
operations will be executed based on the information on the Kubeflow
Pipeline cluster. There might be some left files on
`${HOME}/tfx/kubeflow` or `${HOME}/kubeflow` but those will not be used
any more.
* The `tfx.components.common_nodes.importer_node.ImporterNode` class has been
moved to `tfx.dsl.components.common.importer.Importer`, with its
old module path kept as a deprecated alias, which will be removed in a
future version.
* The `tfx.components.common_nodes.resolver_node.ResolverNode` class has been
moved to `tfx.dsl.components.common.resolver.Resolver`, with its
old module path kept as a deprecated alias, which will be removed in a
future version.
* The `tfx.dsl.resolvers.BaseResolver` class has been
moved to `tfx.dsl.components.common.resolver.ResolverStrategy`, with its
old module path kept as a deprecated alias, which will be removed in a
future version.
* Deprecated input/output compatibility aliases for ExampleValidator,
Evaluator, Trainer and Pusher.
Bug fixes and other changes
* Add error condition checks to BulkInferrer's `output_example_spec`.
Previously, when the `output_example_spec` did not include the correct spec
definitions, the BulkInferrer would fail silently and output examples
without predictions.
* InfraValidator supports using alternative TensorFlow Serving image in case
deployed environment cannot reach the public internet (nor the docker hub).
Such alternative image should behave the same as official
`tensorflow/serving` image such as the same model volume path, serving port,
* Executor in `tfx.extensions.google_cloud_ai_platform.pusher.executor`
supported regional endpoint and machine_type.
* Starting from this version, proto files which are used to generate
component-level configs are included in the `tfx` package directly.
* The `` exception unifies handling of not-
found errors across different filesystem plugin backends.
* Fixes the serialization of zero-valued default when using `RuntimeParameter`
on Kubeflow.
* Depends on `apache-beam[gcp]>=2.27,<3`.
* Depends on `ml-metadata>=0.27.0,<0.28.0`.
* Depends on `numpy>=1.16,<1.20`.
* Depends on `pyarrow>=1,<3`.
* Depends on `kfp-pipeline-spec>=0.1.5,<0.2` in test and image.
* Depends on `tensorflow>=1.15.2,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,<3`.
* Depends on `tensorflow-data-validation>=0.27.0,<0.28.0`.
* Depends on `tensorflow-model-analysis>=0.27.0,<0.28.0`.
* Depends on `tensorflow-serving-api>=1.15,!=2.0.*,!=2.1.*,!=2.2.*,!=2.3.*,<3`.
* Depends on `tensorflow-transform>=0.27.0,<0.28.0`.
* Depends on `tfx-bsl>=0.27.0,<0.28.0`.
Documentation updates
* N/A