What's Changed
* add chat types filter by ihatemyself0 in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/11
* add __version__, author name, license and copyright to __init__ by ihatemyself0 in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/12
* a simple example of creating a business bot by SS7SS in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/13
* Add keyboard chat request example by ihatemyself0 in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/14
New Contributors
* ihatemyself0 made their first contribution in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/11
* SS7SS made their first contribution in https://github.com/2ei/tgram/pull/13
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/2ei/tgram/compare/1.0.9...1.10.0