
Latest version: v2.0.0

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1. [TH2-2756] Changed adapter for messages from pipeline.
2. Fixed a situation when messages were not opened from the list when we use map more that once.



1. [TH2-2731] Fixed a problem with using map function with list of records.



1. [TH2-2724] The user can be able to deal with problematic messages.


User impact and migration instructions
1. [I] You no longer need to enter UTC time corrected for local time. DataSource methods now expect UTC time.
[M] Change the time to UTC in all your scripts.
2. [I] The last "messageIds" message in the messages stream will be ignored.
[M] If you do checks for the last message, you can delete them.
3. [I] _DataSource.write_to_txt_ was moved to Data. The name has been changed to _write_to_file_.
[M] If you use _write_to_file_ function, change the corresponding class and method.
4. [I] _len(Data)_ functionality was removed. The _Data.len_ property is now used.
[M] Change _len(Data)_ to _Data.len_ for your functions.
5. [I] The codec-pipeline wrapper-messages are now split into sub-messages.
[M] If you use wrapper-messages for your statistics then
adapt functions for sub-messages (now they look like a usual message)

1. [TH2-2427] Refactoring
- Reduced waiting time of connection check.
- The last "messageIds" message in the message stream will be ignored. Lib user will not get it.
- DataSource.write_to_txt was moved to Data. The name has been changed to write_to_file.
- Up requirement libs versions.
2. len(Data) functionality was removed because it has side effects when we use list(Data)
and too expensive to use. **Please use Data.len property instead.**
3. [TH2-2474] Use of cache was revised.
4. [TH2-2553] The time that have given in some method of data_source module now will expect in utc format.
5. [TH2-2601] Unit tests were added in CI.

1. Added Data.limit(num) method to use in the pipeline.
2. Added Data.write_to_file(filename) due to TH2-2427.
3. Added Data.len property to use instead of len(Data)
4. Added Data.is_empty property
5. [TH-2420] Added adapter for codecs pipeline.
6. [TH2-2575] Added ParentEventsTree class in events tree module.
7. [TH2-2577] Added optional arguments (stub_if_broken_event: bool) in find_events_by_id_from_data_provider method of data_source module. If stub_if_broken_event is True and some ids is not available on data provider: method return stub inside.

1. [TH2-2424] Cache function was fixed.
2. [TS-766] Fixed case when Data Services cannot recover more than 64 unknown events.
3. [TH2-2419] find_X_by_id_from_data_provider functions return expected objects


1. [TH2-2322] The lib was separated to 2 parts.
New lib with ds_utils posted in [here](
2. [TH2-2335] A pipeline was created that sends a packet to PyPi for the branch with the pypi_ prefix.

1. [TH2-2299] Error and keep_alive status were handled.



1. [TH2-3282] Notebooks is updated.
2. [TH2-2860] Python version has been upgraded to 3.7.


1. [TH2-2860] Compatibility numba | numpy is fixed.
4. [TH2-3097] Ipykernel is added.

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