
Latest version: v1.0.5

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This release extends the 0.9.0rc3 and announces the upcoming final release 0.9.



This release extends the 0.9.0rc2 and announces the upcoming final release 0.9.



This release extends the 0.9.0rc1 and announces the upcoming final release 0.9.



This release extends the 0.9.0beta1 and announces the upcoming final release 0.9.



This release contains a lot of bug fixes and improvements + new features, to prepare the upcoming release candidate.

- Many computation and compilation speed up
- More numerical stability by default for some graph
- Jenkins (gpu tests run on PR in addition to daily buildbot)
- Better handling of corner cases for theano functions and graph optimizations
- More graph optimization (faster execution and smaller graph, so more readable)
- Less c code compilation
- Better Python 3.5 support
- Better numpy 1.12 support
- Support newer Mac and Windows version
- Conda packages for Mac, Linux and Windows
- Theano scripts now works on Windows
- scan with checkpoint (trade off between speed and memory usage, useful for long sequences)
- Added a bool dtype

- New GPU back-end:

- float16 storage
- better mapping between theano device number and nvidia-smi number, using the PCI bus ID of graphic cards
- More pooling support on GPU when cuDNN isn't there
- ignore_border=False is now implemented for pooling

A total of 111 people contributed to this release since 0.8.0, see the list at the bottom.

Interface changes:
- New pooling interface
- Pooling parameters can change at run time
- When converting empty list/tuple, now we use floatX dtype
- The MRG random generator now try to infer the broadcast pattern of its output
- Move softsign out of sandbox to theano.tensor.nnet.softsign
- Roll make the shift be modulo the size of the axis we roll on
- Merge CumsumOp/CumprodOp into CumOp
- round() default to the same as NumPy: half_to_even

Convolution updates:
- Multi-cores convolution and pooling on CPU
- New abstract 3d convolution interface similar to the 2d convolution interface
- Dilated convolution

- cuDNN: support versoin 5.1 and wrap batch normalization (2d and 3d) and RNN functions
- Multiple-GPU, synchrone update (via platoon, use NCCL)
- GpuAdvancedSubtensor in new back-end
- Gemv(matrix-vector product) speed up for special shape
- Support for MaxAndArgMax for some axis combination
- Support for solve (using cusolver), erfinv and erfcinv
- cublas gemv workaround when we reduce on an axis with a dimensions size of 0
- Warn user that some cuDNN algorithms may produce unexpected results in certain environments
for convolution backward filter operations

New features:
- Add gradient of solve, tensorinv (CPU), tensorsolve (CPU) searchsorted (CPU)
- Add Multinomial Without Replacement
- conv3d2d support full and half mode (REMOVE?)
- Add DownsampleFactorMaxGradGrad.grad
- Allow partial evaluation of compiled function
- More Rop support
- Indexing support ellipsis: a[..., 3], a[1,...,3]
- Added theano.tensor.{tensor5,dtensor5, ...}
- compiledir_format support device
- Added new Theano flag cmodule.age_thresh_use

- Speed up argmax only on gpu (without also needing the max)
- A few unfrequent bugfix
- More stack trace in error message
- Speed up cholesky grad
- log(sum(exp(...))) now get stability optimized

Other more detailed changes:
- Allow more then one output to be an destructive inplace
- Add flag profiling.ignore_first_call, useful to profile the new gpu back-end
- Doc/error message fixes/updates
- More support of negative axis
- Added the keepdims parameter to the norm function
- Crash fixes
- Make scan gradient more deterministic
- Add support for space in path on Windows
- remove ProfileMode (use Theano flag profile=True instead)



This is a point release with only the support for cudnn v5 convolution
and minor fixes.

- cuDNN v5 convolution support (cuDNN v3 isn't supported anymore)
- A few crash fixes

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