
Latest version: v1.0.2

Safety actively analyzes 702392 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- return full error message on exception
[Matej Cotman]
- add some tests
[Matej Cotman]
- fix: object has no attribute 'apiQuota'
[Matej Cotman]
- add parts folder to git ignore
[Matej Cotman]



- documentation fix
[Matej Cotman]



- Code changed to use phpserialize from pypi instead of xml parser.
[Matej Cotman]

.. _releasing_a_new_version:

Releasing a new version

Releasing a new version of `tbs` involves the following steps:

. Create a git tag for the release.
. Push the git tag upstream to GitHub.
. Generate a distribution file for the package.
. Upload the generated package to Python Package Index (PyPI).


Before every release make sure that:

. You have documented your changes in the ``HISTORY.rst`` file.

. You have modified the version identifier in the ```` to reflect
the new release.

. You have confirmed that the package description (generated from
``README.rst`` and others) renders correctly by running ``bin/longtest``.

. You have committed all changes to the git repository and pushed them

. You have the working directory checked out at the revision you wish to


For help with releasing we use ``jarn.mkreleaser``. It's listed as a dependency
in ```` and should already be installed in your local bin:

.. sourcecode:: bash

$ bin/mkrelease -d pypi -pq ./

.. note::
In order to push packages to PyPI you need to have the appropriate access
rights to the package on PyPI and you need to configure your PyPI credentials
in the ``~/.pypirc`` file, e.g.::

index-servers =

username = fred
password = secret


In the following example we are releasing version 0.1 of `tbs`. The
package has been prepared so that ```` contains the version ``0.1``,
this change has been committed to git and all changes have been pushed
upstream to GitHub:

.. sourcecode:: bash

Check that package description is rendered correctly
$ bin/longtest

Make a release and upload it to PyPI
$ bin/mkrelease -d pypi -pq ./
Releasing thebestspinner 0.1
Tagging thebestspinner 0.1
* [new tag] 0.1 -> 0.1
running egg_info
running sdist
warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.txt
running register
Server response (200): OK
running upload
warning: sdist: standard file not found: should have one of README, README.txt
Server response (200): OK

.. note::
Please ignore the sdist warning about README file above. PyPI does not depend
on it and it's just a bug in setupools (reported and waiting to be fixed).



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