- Scaling of GPR inputs (`x_scale_fac` argument in `HeteroscedasticGPR`)
- Left `x_scale_fac` as object attribute with value 1.0 for back-compatibility
- Support for multidimensional inputs for GPRs
- Testing around basic multiD input GPRs
- Updated `make_rbf_expr` in `active_utils` (old 1D in `make_rbf_expr_old`)
- Updated `DerivativeKernel`, `HetGaussianDeriv`, `HeteroscedasticGPR` in
- Updates to match with newer versions of GPflow
- `HetGaussianDeriv` likelihood now accepts `X` (input data) argument for all
- `HetGaussianDeriv` init now takes `obs_dims` argument instead of `d_order`
- `build_scaled_cov_mat` method now takes `X`, which includes derivative orders
- all mean functions inherit from gpflow.functions.MeanFunction (same behavior)
- Changed structure of the repo to better support some third party tools.
- Moved nox environments from `.nox` to `.nox/{project-name}/envs`. This fixes
issues with ipykernel giving odd names for locally installed environments.
- Moved repo specific dot files to the `config` directory (e.g.,
`.noxconfig.toml` to `config/userconfig.toml`). This cleans up the top level
of the repo.
- added some support for using `nbqa` to run mypy/pyright on notebooks.
- Added ability to bootstrap development environment using pipx. This should
simplify initial setup. See Contributing for more info.