* Adjust client to respect recent API response schema changes (768)
* Add warning message when repo setup might be misleading (767)
* Keep Thoth section when generating Pipfile (766)
* Fix obtaining status information for provenance-checker
* Correctly pass debug option to provenance-check command
* Any invalid thamos command notifies about creating overlays
* Handle CLI exceptions
* Generate default Pipfile if none is present in the project (755)
* :arrow_up: Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet (760)
* Turn on overlays by default (757)
* :arrow_up: Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet (756)
* Add some examples to the README file
* Minor fixes, be more verbose about output
* Provide `thamos add' functionality to add packages to Pipenv files
* :arrow_up: Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet (751)
* :arrow_up: Automatic update of dependencies by Kebechet (750)
Bug Fixes
* Support requirement files when `thamos add` or `thamos remove` is called (758)
* Create directory structure for overlay if not present yet
* Implement thamos remove command