- Added support for `periodic` (`daily` only for now) lateral file
- Support for 1D initial waterlevels from file.
- Show warnings in cases of unknown enum values instead of raising errors.
- Added callback support for async/sync download/upload functions
- Added structure controls file upload
- Added support for `THREEDI_API_ACCESS_TOKEN` and `THREEDI_API_REFRESH_TOKEN` configuration variables
- Added a new, versioned, API in threedi_api_client.openapi / threedi_api_client.api.openapi.
A warning will be emitted if the old one is used (openapi_client).
- The API version should now be omitted from the API_HOST setting (e.g.
https://api.3di.live instead of https://api.3di.live/v3.0). A warning will be emitted if
a version is included.
- Make V3AlphaApi a subclass of V3BetaApi, and V3BetaApi a superset of V3Api.
- Added a ``retries`` to the ``ThreediApi`` which enables setting a retry policy.
For the async client, ``aiohttp_retry`` is included.
- Changed the default ``timeout`` of asynchronous file down/upload from 5 minutes total to
only socket timeouts of 5 seconds. This allows upload of larger files.
- Changed the default socket read ``timeout`` of uploads from 5 seconds to 10 minutes
to accomodate large file uploads.